Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Penilaian Atas Proses Seleksi Kaprodi S1 di UKSW


Higher education in Indonesia is the subsystem of national education which include the
Bachelor, master, doctoral, and diploma program. The College is obliged to organise education,
research and service to the community in accordance with the vision, mission, objectives, duty,
and the respective authorities. Chairman of the Program of study as one of the elements
organizer of higher education is an important element and strategic in the management of the
organization of education in college. The selection process for the selection of Kaprogdi needs to
be done properly, in order to obtain a competent Kaprogdi candidate.
The aim of this research is to assess Kaprogdi S1 selection process in various course of study in
UKSW. The authors concluded that the Statute of UKSW 2000 about the nomination,
appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of a course of study should be renewed because of
the requirements and the procedures are still limited.
Keywords : Assessment and Selection Process


Pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia merupakan subsistem pendidikan nasional yang mencakup
program sarjana, magister, doktor, dan program diploma. Perguruan tinggi berkewajiban
menyelenggarakan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sesuai dengan visi,
misi, tujuan, tugas, dan kewenangannya. Ketua Program Studi sebagai salah satu unsur

penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi merupakan elemen penting dan strategis dalam manajemen
penyelenggaraan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Proses seleksi untuk pemilihan Kaprogdi perlu
dilakukan dengan baik, agar mendapatkan calon Kaprogdi yang kompeten
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai proses seleksi Kaprodi S1 di berbagai program
studi di UKSW. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Statuta UKSW tahun 2000 tentang pencalonan,
pengangkatan, dan pemberhentian Ketua program Studi sebaiknya diperbaharui karena
persyaratan dan prosedurnya masih minim.
Kata Kunci: Penilaian dan Proses Seleksi