Zulkifli Essai NAMAKU MATAHARI docx

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Literature, according to poets, has many definitions that different one
anothers. According to Nurrachman (2017: 1), “ literature is a discipline which
has similar qualification with any others disciplines, it has its own body of
knowledge which can be studied systematically”. Literature, in the first time, was
not supposed a discipline of knowledge but in the early century poets and
scientifics have given a body of knowledge to literature systematically like
ontology about the authentic of knowledge, epistemology about a source of
knowledge and anthropology about benefit and value of knowledge until people
can study and analyze literature. As a science, Literature itself, further, is a
medium for expressing a right of person suppressed especially woman.
The history of human gives an information to us that women from ancient
Greece to around 18 century did not have a right to choise their life and right,
women did have a place in a society.The duty of literature gives a freedom to
women. When era of Victorian England around the 80s, appearing a lot of critical
feminisms defended rights of women (Anwar,2010:138). This critical feminism
appears as a respond of women’s backwardness. The first, woman authors
appeared and entered a field of literary world after they had wrote and made some

novels, they included a comprehension about defending of women in their novels
or literary works to influence the society that women were as degree as men. One
of feminist works appearing in 18 century was Marry Wollstonecrafts. Marry and
his A Vindication of the Rights of Woman well deserves its rank as the first great
feminist work. It is her most famous work, but not her first or last. She had
already published fiction when in 1790 (Nurrachman, 2017:132).
There are literary works that have contain of issue feminist. The literary
works were usually written by women to describe herself as woman or written by
men to explain characteristic of woman based on man’s perspective. According to
Woolf (Anwar, 2010:146), that woman’s literary works try to recollect and think
of herself through the characteristics given by her mother, but woman’s literary
works can not also avoid the influence of father totally. The origin characteristic
of woman is the porpuse to reconstruct the exist of woman. This charcteristc can
be distinguished between man and woman based on the nature, if the
caharcteristcs of woman are similar to mother that more careful, lovelier, more
sensitive etc, then the characteristics of man are harder, more petualent, more
indifferent etc that more similar to father. One of literary works, especially, novel
that can be analayzed is the novel “Namaku Mata Hari”. The novel written by

Remy Sylado explains the some issue of feminist beside contein of some ideology,

struggle and many more. But if looked through contruction and contain of this
novel, then it will be found many issues of feminist.
Method of analyzing critical feminist, according to Kolodny
(Anwar,2010:139), the first step is to find “mood of feminism” that exists in
literary works or novels. Before analyzing the literary works, all of personal
assumption about feminist must be omitted because it will
break the
concentration and make the analysis confused. Therefore, finding mood of
feminism and underlining it will be direct and precise. Farther, method of critical
feminist is submitted by Showalter in “Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness”
(1981). Methodologically, Showalter (Anwar, 2010:140) gave or distinguished
two formats. First, critical method of feminist has a relation with woman as a
reader and then it’s named as Feminist Critique. Second format is critical method
of feminist having relation with woman as a writer or author and then it’s named
Gynocritics. And this case, it looks that the second format is more appropriate
because of the author of “Namaku Mata Hari” belonging to man, Remy Sylado.
The further, Mary Wollstonecraft attentioned women as just object. Wollstonecraft
said that women are led to exercise their understandings, they should not be
satirized for their attachment to rakes; nor even for being rakes at heart, when it
appears to be the inevitable consequence of their education. They who live to

please—must find their enjoyments, their happiness, in pleasure! It is a trite
(Nurrachman, 2017:137). Wollstonecraft critizaised the pool of women that
became medium of men’s enjoyment. Women must be awareness about their
Novel “Namaku Mata Hari” describe the central character, Mata Hari,
managing to free from dominance of man. Mata Hari is not afraid to fight her man
(husband) if her right is gotten by him,
“‘Duduk’, kata dia singkat, kesannya bukannya dia menyuruh tapi
memerintah. Dan sikapnya congkak sekali……. Itu membuatku kesal. Aku
tak suka. Berkembang simpul di dalam pikiranku, bahwa dia tidak
menaruh hormat kepadaku sebagi isterinya. Kalau simpul ini benar, demi
ibuku, aku akan melawannya”(Sylado, 2010:30).
Mata Hari is a wife of soldier, Ruud. Her husband always did the act of
dispissing to her. When Ruud was angry and barked out her, bravely Mata Hari
fought and barked out back him. Although she was a wife and woman but it was
not enough to make her slave till she was able to be humilitated and scolded. Her
bravery came from her past when she was shocked to see her mother scolded and
molested by her father.

“Mauku, kalau Ibu bisa tegas, maka Ibu harus melawan Ayah…… aku

sering gregetan melihat Ibu mengalah. Rasanya kalau aku jadi Ibu, dan
berhadapan dengan suami separti Ayah, aku akan ajak dia berkelahi di
atas ring tinju, lantas sebelum aba-aba aku akan langsung memukulnya
tanpa jeda, lalu menendang selengkangannya…” (Sylado, 2010:19).
It’s clear that “Namaku Mata Hari” is contain of a vindication of women.
The condition of women when was era Ancient Greece to around 18 century was
very disappointed in women in this era or modern women. The Wollstonecraft’s
critic have been success to make women aware in this century such as he said,
“What I sincerely wish them to be, even love acquire more serious dignity, and be
purified in its own fires, and virtue giving true delicacy to their affection”
(Nurrachman, 2017:137-138).
Namaku Mata Hari invited women to prove that women are not object,
women have right to have culture, language and authority like a man. Indeed,
feminism was born because of backround era where women did not have authority
even though they were considered men’s sexual attendant. It is in the same
direction with what Endraswara (2013: 225) said, “Tujuan awal dari gelombang
feminism adalah untuk memulihkan pengalaman perempuan. Dengan demikian,
feminisme menemukan cara bagaimana perempuan bisa membentuk dirinya
sendiri sebagai subjek”. Women when were around 18 century did not have
principle and view of live that can be hold on because women were submissive to

fate. Therefore, experience belonging to women was lost and then they accepted
men’s view of live as experience. The further, women acquiesced men to torture
them. Mata Hari mentioned this fact,
“pelecehan selalu terjadi ketika lelaki merasa punya kuasa, punya
wewenang, punya uang, dan dengan itu menekan wanita untuk takluk
padanya”(Sylado, 2010:80).
And then she decided to become modern woman that not afraid to defend her self
and gave a suggestion how to defend self as woman,
“karenanaya, untuk melawannya, perempuan harus menjadi betina,
mengambil alih garizah yang melengket dalam tindaktanduk
lelaki”(Sylado, 2010:80).
To defend the right of woman, it ought to practice self-confidence. Woman have to
become genuine woman. Indeed, men have power in their body that physical
power belongs to men but women have a power in their instinct and special power
in their heart and love. Therefore, there is not reason to be submissive into men’s
otority in modern era,

“sekarang tahun-tahun terakhir abad ke 19 menuju abad ke 20 di mana
perempuan harus hadir, tidak tersingkir, sebagai betina tulen melawan
dominasi lelaki… kalau Ruud berpikir bisa menaklukkan perempuan

betina di abad depan yang sedang berjalan, dia keliru besar, sebab
sekarang di penghujung abad ke 19 ini aku sudah teguh berkat: Kalau
lelaki bisa, kenapa perempuan tidak bisa…”(Sylado, 2010:80).
Bluntly, Remy Sylado in his Namaku Mata Hari conveyed claim into
arbitrariness. The reader is directed as if the guilty side is man and woman is the
truth and forever lofty being. This will be found in first plot of this story. Remy
Sylado described that woman have otority more then man, moreover, the reader
will think that women stronger then man.
“Seorang permpuan modern bukan melulu bisa berpakain bagus dan
karenanya penampilannya akan selalu dilirik orang-seperti yang sudah
sejak kecil aku dibiasakan oleh marhum ibuku- tapi yang paling penting
adalah otaknya harus bagus juga, yang diperolehnya dari kemauannya
membaca buku di perpustakaan. Dengan membaca, aku percaya
perempuan menjadi manusia berharkat” (Sylado, 2010:231).
The further, Remy Sylado encouraged women to be free from dominance
of men by reading books because book is the window of world. The way that was
offered by Remy sylado is equal to Wollstonecraft’s opinion that women although
they are wife have to keep learning and reading a book, especially novel. Women
must not read a novel and then considered it the fact but enough to read it and
considered it just the fiction, it’s named ridiculing the novel (Nurrachman,

2017:143). With regard to effort of reconstruction, the lesson of religion gave
suggestion that the change must be begun by reading (Rusmana & Rahtikawati,
So far, Remay Syalado’s Namaku Mata hari described the struggle of
woman for getting her right and existention. Every side of plot and sheet of this
novel showed the strength of modern woman that woman must be able to fight
and free from man. The reader can know it from plot of this story where every
moment the central character, Mata Hari, was faced with man, then Mata Hari as
woman would be the winer. When Ruud was angry at Mata Hari, then Mata Hari
would scold him back bravely and then in the end of this fracas, Mata Hari was
described as the winner. Something strange is Namaku Mata Hari was written by
man. How to be able man defand woman dead in feminism. Endraswara (2013 :
226) explained that when talking for woman and as woman, the scholars of
feminism talked about woman in expression of patriarchy. They never gave
obedience into feminism. Although a man wrote about feminism and seemed as if
he defended a woman, in fact he wrote feminism by perspective of man. Men

never let women fight them truly. Indeed, Remy Sylado described woman
standing alone and fighting man in the first but the next story or the end of story,
on the other wise Mata Hari became sexual servant of man indirectly,

“dalam sepuluh tahun ini aku tidak merasa perlu menghitung-hitung
berapa jumlah pejabat tinggi Negara dari Prancis dan jerman serta
Spanyol dan Italia, mulai dari menteri, jendral, koloneal, bahkan kapten
dan letnan, yang sudah bersetubuh denganku…”(Sylado, 2010:387).
This is the point where woman is not ever free from dominance of man
forever. Mata Hari tried to defend herself and feel that she had freedom from man
because she was determined to fight man. But since beginning, she have given up
man. When Mata Hari considered her self whore, actually she had been inferior to
man because the honor of woman is the most high self esteem. From here, the
reader is going to understand Remy Sylado’s concept of feminism. Remy directed
the reader into vindication concept of woman by showing patriarchy into
submission but this is just a formality showing a defence of feminism. Endraswara
(2013 :232) said, “kebohongan termasuk feminism telah ditandai oleh tulisan
paling posmodernis yang ditulis oleh laki-laki”. Literary works written by man
talked about feminism, in fact they never hold woman in the high esteem. They
discussed feminism based on perspective of man.
Literary work discussing feminism is determined by it’s author. Feminism
itself was born to stimulate the movement of woman but in the early century
together many movement feminism born, man also entered a field of feminism
study. Man’s participation was born branch of plot in feminism. Man offered his

idea to feminism, both good idea and frme idea ‘in the bad domain’.

Nurrachman, Dian. 2017. Introduction to Criticism: Critical Theory from Ancient
Greece to
Victorian England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.
Rusmana, Dadan danYayan Rahtikawati. 2014. Tafsir Ayat-ayat Sosial Budaya.
Pustaka Setia.
Sylado, Remy. 2010. Namaku Mata Hari. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Anwar, Ahyar. 2010. Teori Sosial Sastra. Yogyakarta: Ombak.

Endraswara, Suwardi. 2013. Metodologi Penelitian Antropologi Sastra.
Yogyakarta: Ombak.