Translation Procedure An Analysis Of The Translation Of Metaphors In The Ghost, A Novel Written By Danielle Steel

D. Translation Procedure

Translation Procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. The translation procedures into:

a. Literal

When source language grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest target language equivalents, but the lexical words are translated singly, out of context, the procedure is called literal. It ranges from one word to one word, group to group, clause to clause or sentence to sentence, 22 i.e. a place of furniture is translated into sepotong perabot.

b. Transference

Transference loan word or transcription is the process of transferring the source language word to target language text. It includes transliteration, which relates to the conversion of different alphabets. Names of living, geographical and topographical name, names of periodical and newspaper, titles, name of private company, and addresses are normally transferred. 23 One example of this procedure can be seen in he felt like some kind of hooligan barging in on her without warning or invitation. The Ghost, p.75.The underlined word hooligan is translated just into hooligan, without any change whether the change in morphological or phonological.

c. Naturalization

22 Peter Newmark. A Text of Translation Newmark : Prentice Hall, 1988 p.81 23 Ibid, . P.81 This procedure succeeds transference and adapts source language words first to the normal pronunciation then to the normal morphology of target language. 24 Here is the example of naturalization. SL: and nothing short of dynamite would have opened it before the appointed hour. The Ghost, p.150 TL: dan hanya bisa dibuka dengan ledakan dinamit pada saat yang tepat.Belenggu Masa Silam, p.150 From the example above, we can see that dynamite is translated through the normal pronunciation and to the normal morphology of the target language into dinamit.

d. Cultural equivalent

Cultural equivalent is approximate translation. Usually a source cultural word is translated by target language cultural word. 25 For example, prince of Unknown is translated into pangeran dari negeri Antah Berantah.

e. Functional equivalent

It is applied to cultural words, requires the use of culture-free word, sometimes with a new specific term. It is the most accurate way of translating i.e. deculturalising word. 26 The example of functional equivalent is samurai. Through this procedure samurai is translated into a Japanese traditional weapon to fight. 24 Ibiid, P.82 25 Ibid., 26 Ibid P.83

f. Descriptive equivalent

In translation, description sometimes has to be weighed against function. The writer translated the word by giving its description. 27 The example is the word samurai. In functional equivalent, it is translated by its function into Japanese traditional weapon to fight, while through descriptive equivalent, the word is translated by its description into the Japanese aristocracy from the eleventh to nineteenth century

g. Synonymy

This procedure is used for a source language word where there is no clear one-to-one equivalent; and the word is not important in the text, in particular for adjective or adverb of quality. 28 It is only appropriate where the literal translation is not possible and because the word is important enough for componential analysis, i.e. Saturday night. The nearest target language of Saturday night is Sabtu malam but the translator prefers to translate it into another target language equivalent, malam Minggu.

h. Through translation

It is the literal translation of common collocation, names of organizations, component of compound phrases. Normally, through translation should be used only when they are already recognized the terms. 29 i.e. UN-PBB

i. Modulation

It is the variation through a change of view point, of perspective and very often of category of thought. Besides, it can also change in abstract for 27 Ibid., 28 Ibid, P.84 29 Ibid., concrete, active for passive or vice versa, or even change of symbols. It is used when the target language reject literal translation which means virtually always. 30 In Danielle Steel‟s novel, this procedure can be found in the translation it was like torturing a life you had been unable to save The Ghost, p.70. Here, a life is translated into perkawinan.

j. Shift or transposition

A shift or transposition is translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from source language to target language. It illustrates a frequent tension between grammars and stress and most translators make transposition intuitively. It can be changing from singular to plural, in the position of the adjective, neutral adjective as subject, or complex sentence to simple sentence. 31 For example, the plural rocks is translated into singular form batu.

k. Recognized translation

In recognized translation normally used the official or general accepted translation of any institutional terms. 32 i.e. wait a minute – tunggu sebentar

l. Translation label

This is provisional translation, usually a new institutional term, which should be made in inverted commas, which can later be discreetly withdrawn. It could be done through literal translation. 33 i.e. language heritage is translated into „bahasa adat‟ 30 Ibid, P.85 31 Ibid., 32 Ibid, P.86 33 Ibid, P.87

m. Compensation

This is said to occur when loss of meaning, sound effect, metaphor or pragmatic effect in one part of sentence is compensated in another part, or in contiguous sentence. 34 For example, I do is translated into saya bersedia.

n. Componential analysis

This is splitting up of a lexical unit into its sense component, often one-to-two, or –three, -four translation. Usually, the translation is present as diagrams which are useful in showing up the lexical gap, for example, dinner. Dinner is translated based on meals diagram. 35

o. Reduction

It is rather imprecise translation procedure, practiced intuitively in some cases, ad hoc in anothers ; there is at least one shift to be born in mind. 36 In other words, this procedure is an elimination some parts of the source language sentence or phrase to be translated, i.e. she looked at him like a schoolteacher expecting an answer, and this time he smiled is translated into dia memandang Charlie seperti guru yang menunggu muridnya menjawab 34 Ibid, P.88 35 Ibid, P.122 36 Ibid, P.89 Name Time Class Area Content Dinner 1-2 p.m Working class UK Hot meal Supper 8-11 p.m - UK Light meal Dinner 8-9 p.m Upper-middle class UK Main meal

p. Pharaphrase

It is the amplification or explanation meaning of a segment of the text. It is used in „anonymous‟ text when it is poorly written, or has important implication and omission, 37 i.e She was like a wounded animal deep in a cave is translated into Fransesca seperti binatang terluka yang bersembunyi didalam gua dan orang-orang hanya bisa melihat sepasang matanya berkilat-kilat didalam gelap.

q. Couplets

It is combined two, three, or four translation procedures mentioned before respectively for dealing with single problem. 38 They are particularly common for cultural words. You can see the example below. SL : “I feel like Hansel and Gretelin the forest, “he said, and they both laughed. p.95 TL : “Kita ini seperti Hansel dan Gretel dihutan, “kata Charlie. Mereka tertawa. p.94

r. Notes, Addition and Glosses

Notes- supplying additional information in translation. It is normally cultural, technical or linguistic and is dependent on the requirement of them, as opposed to the original, readership. It can be applied within the text, at the bottom of page, at the end of chapter, or at the end of book. 39 When the additional information is applied within the text, the procedure is called notes. And when it is put at the end of chapter or at the end of book, the procedure is called glosses. You can take a look on the example below. 37 Ibid, P.90 38 Ibid, P.91 39 Ibid, P.92 SL : It’s a rotten deal. p.28 TL :Ini penyelesaian yang menyakitkan bagi kita berdua. p.30

E. Good Translation