Focus of the Study Research Question Significance of the Study Definition of Translation

In this novel the writer find a phenomenon of language such as figurative language, especially the figure of comparison such as metaphor. Metaphor is the most significant translation problem, may occur at all levels – from word to text – at which level it becomes an allegory or fantasy. In accordance with translation, these figurative of comparison must be translated carefully in order to avoid misunderstanding. 2 If metaphors from source language are translated literally into the target language, they will often be completely misunderstood. 3 Because the translation cannot simply reproduce, or be, the original. For the reason above, the writer is interested in analyzing the translation of metaphors expressed in the novel entitled “The Ghost” written by Danielle Steel and find out the strategies used by the translator Widya Kirana “Belenggu Masa Silam” in translating that by conducting a research “An analysis of the translation of Metaphors in The Ghost, A novel Written by Danielle Steel.”

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, this research focuses on analyzing the metaphors that is expressed in The Ghost novel written by Danielle Steel and finds the procedures that is used by translator in translating these metaphors.

C. Research Question

The problem will be discussed in this study as formulated through the following questions: 2 Ibid, P.8 3 Larson M, Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross Cultural Language Equivalent. USA: University Press of America,1984, P. 250. a. What types of metaphors that are expressed in novel The Ghost? b. How are the translation procedure of metaphor in the novel The Ghost?

D. Significance of the Study

The result of this research is expected to be used by students to increase their knowledge about translation of figurative language, especially on metaphors and to provide input about the strategies applied in translating metaphors. This research also supposed to expand our horizon in translation field and open our mind to become alert of the importance of that translation theories and its practice.

E. Research Methodology

1. The objectives of Research

Based on the research questions formulated above, the aims of the research are: a. To find out the types of metaphors expressed in novel The Ghost. b. To know the translation procedure of metaphor in the novel The Ghost

2. The Method of Research

In this research, the writer uses qualitative method and descriptive analysis technique. Here, the writer wills explore about metaphorical language and compare with the translations of metaphor procedure by close reading, check the translation in the Indonesian language novel, classify them into types of metaphor language. Then, when the data was completed, the writer wills analyze the procedure translation of those metaphors based on the theory from Peter Newmark Book of Translation.

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

The writer uses descriptive analysis technique which is supported by the relevant theories. The writer uses the following steps, first reading The Ghost novel by Danielle Steel, published in London, United Kingdom in 1997 by Corgi Books publisher. Second is identifying and underlining each sentences or quotations that are related to the topic of the research. Then data that have been underlined are quoted. Then this research will be written descriptive –analytically.

4. The Instrument of Research

The writer is the instrument of the research to get data in the research by reading, marking, classifying, and selecting the data and any other necessary thing for the research. CHAPTER II THEORITICAL DESCRIPTION

A. Definition of Translation

Translation is a transfer of the meaning of the source language into the target language through the procedures set out systematically. The process can be described as follows: Source language Target Language re-measuring the meaning Figure 1: Translation Process by Mooryati Sudibyo In the diagram above shows that meaning is paramount in translating activities. Translation is the meaning of re-disclosure by the translator according to the language of the intended target. Understanding translation according to Newmark cited in Mooryati Sudibyo: Analisis Kontrastif: Kajian Penerjemahan Frasa Nomina, suggests that translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and or statement in one language by the same message and or statement in another language. Each exercise involves some kind of loss of meaning, due to a number of factors. It provokes a continuous tension, Translated Text Meaning translatio dialectic, an argument based on the claims of each language. The basic loss is on a continuum between over translation increase of detail and under translation Increased generalization 4 . Regarding the definition set forth Newmark above there some understanding that the writer can learn that, first; the translation is an activity requiring skill or skills. This shows that the translation can be done by anyone who has the ability or skills, and activities will translate into better if the ability or skill a translator is better anyway, second, translation is revealing the meaning or message packed in a source language into the target language. Third, because the shape of the source language is different from the language of the target, meaning try again disclosed by an experienced translator deviation from original meaning. It can be seen from the addition and subtraction of information on language translation. In this concept shows that the interpreter will not reach perfection in translating something, so it can be said that the activities of translating not only the translation of the source language into the target language, but an attempt delivery of messages to the reader in accordance with the language that can be understood by the reader. As Frans Sayogie‟s book entitled Teori Dan Praktek Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris Kedalam Bahasa Indonesia, the notion of translation he quotes from Nida and Taber in The Theory and Practice of Translation Helps for Translators, argued that the translation is consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent message of the source language, first in 4 Mooryati Soedibyo, Analisis Kontrastif Kajian Penerjemahan Frasa Nomina. Surakarta: Pustaka Cakra Surakarta, 2004 p. 18 terms of meaning and Secondly in terms of style . Thus, translation is essentially an effort to reveal the return message from one language into another language. Frans Sayogie adding that the translation is right or wrong depends also on the for what purpose translation is done. 5 Basically in expressing the definition of translation is not too different experts provide concept, extending just over what the meaning of the translation itself is based on the theories that they see themselves possess. The substance is the same, meaning that transfer messages or information found in the source language into the target language in order to more easily understand the reader in accordance with the language they use. In addition, Hatim and Mason the writer also quoted in the book of Frans Sayogie, defines translation as an act of communication roomates Attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of communication, which may have been intended for different readers and different pruposes hearers. 6 Frans Sayogie an opinion about this translation by stating that the translation in this case is the receiver message in the original language called the source language and then, when translating it to act as the writer as the sender messages in English translation called the target language. In this case means the translator has two functions namely receiver and transmitter of the message, making it perfect or whether the message was the author or the author of a text translation is highly dependent on the quality of the 5 Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan: Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negri, 2009, p. 7 6 Ibid, p.8 translator to understand the message the author to the reader that there is no error messages received by readers.

B. Translation Process