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34 According to Venuti, domesticating is “an ethnocentric reduction of foreign text to target language cultural values, bring the author back home.” 53 Beside that Benny Hoed said “domestication is making the readers aware that they are not reading a translation. It means the way translator carries the message by aiming the target text as their orientation.” 54 In this case the translator try to convey the message fluently and often, conscious or unconsciously. Based on analysis above, from the cultural word has a domesticating. Looking at the both of meaning between source language and target language of the result of that translation it can be said that cultural are the domesticating.

6. Courtyard

As we head out of the courtyard the rain that’s been threatening all morning... Ketika kami menuju taman bermain, mendung yang sejak pagi... Data 6 shows word courtyard which is cultural word that refers to recreation places ecology is translated into taman bermain. In this case the concept of translating its cultural word in source language. The translator preserves the word into Indonesian from since she thinks that the reader may know the meaning of that word, and the word in source language seems similar to or has the same relevant as the word in the target language. The 53 Lawrance Venuti, The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translator. New York: Routladge, 1995, p. 5 54 Benny Hoedoro Hoed, Penerjemahan dan Kebudayaan Bandung: Dunia Pustaka Jaya: 2006, p. 84 35 translator used term taman bermain because this word has the closest meaning concept with the word courtyard. Based on Webster Dictionary courtyard has a meaning “1 a place where legal justice is administered, 2 a judicial tribunal duly constituted for hearing and determination of cases, 3 a sessions of judicial assembly.” 55 . Indonesia term taman bermain has a quite different meaning as cities Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia taman bermain is “kebun yang ditanami bunga- bunga tempat bersenang-senang. 56 It can be claimed that the translator clearly knows about courtyard and taman bermain, so she preferred to used the domestication ideology to describe the words. In additional taman bermain in outdoor like a garden, this concept are different with courtyard in English term.

7. Breakfast

And I mean breakfast Dan aku mau sarapan The data 7 above shows that the word breakfast as cultural words that refers to gesture and habits activities. It is identified that the translator used the domestication ideology in translating the selected cultural word Breakfast into sarapan. The translator preserves the word in the target language since Indonesian people are recognized and accepted sarapan as the main equivalence for the word breakfast. 55 Randon House, Webster’s Colligiate Dictionary, U.S; United State of America Published, 2001, p 156 56 Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ‘Edisi Keempat’ Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008, p. 1621