There are so many terms of non literal meaning, such as figure of speech, figurative expression and figurative language. Seed 1997:16 says, “Non literal language is traditionally called figurative language which is described including by irony facetious way of speaking, hyperbole exaggerated way of speaking, metaphor, simile, personification and litotes. And the term ‘figurative language’ will be used in this thesis.

2.7 Figurative Language

Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. When a writer or speaker uses literal language, he or she is simply stating the facts as they are. The writer or speaker uses particular symbols to express the ideas. Beckson Ganz 1975:80 says, “Figurative language is language which makes use of certain devices called figure of speech .” Most of which are techniques for comparing dissimilar objects, to achieve effects beyond the range of literal language. Figurative language uses figures of speech, a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of the words. There are two purposes of using figurative language namely pragmatic purpose and referential purpose. The referential purpose of using figurative language is to describe mental process or state, a concept, a person, an object, a quality or an action more comprehensively and concisely. And the pragmatic purpose of using figurative language is to appeal the sense or interest, to clarify, to please, to delight and to surprise. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD

2.8 Kinds of Figurative Language

There are many kinds of figurative language. In this case, hyperbole, metaphor, simile, litotes, personification and irony will be discussed. They are:

2.8.1 Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a large exaggeration. Exaggerated way is an expression to make something bigger or greater than it really is. Kennedy 1978:496 says, “Most of us from time to time emphasize a point with a statement containing exaggeration. ” Etymologically, the word ‘hyperbole’ derived from the Greek word. It is from two words; ‘hyper’ means ‘over’ and ‘ballein’ means ‘to throw’. It means hyperbole is an extravagant exaggeration that represents something as much greater or less, better or worse or more intense that it really is depicts the impossible as actual. Examples: 1. He give me wings to fly. 2. He is breaking my heart again. In the first expression consists of the exaggeration, because as human we can’t fly. It means he gives me happiness. And in the second expression, it is hyperbole. It means he hurts me again.

2.8.2 Metaphor

Metaphor is a mapping between two domains. It used for an expression which to compare two unlike objects without using ‘like’ or ‘as’. Etymologically, the word ‘metaphor’ derived from Greek word, metaphor meaning ‘transfer’ or ‘carry over’. It is derivation from ‘meta’ meaning ‘over across and pherein’ meaning ‘to carry’. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD Barnhart 1995:118 says, “A metaphor is figure of speech in which a word or phrase is taken out of its usual setting and placed with another word to suggest a likeness .” Examples: 1. My mother is a strong tower. 2. She is the lightening. In the first expression above, my mother is like a strong tower. It means my mother is a strong woman. And in the second expression, her face is bright. It means she is beautiful.

2.8.3 Simile

Simile is a comparison between two objects using like or as. The word simile and similar derived from the same Latin word, ‘simile’ means ‘like’. Kennedy 1978:487 says, “A simile is a comparison of two unlike things, typically indicated by some connective, ‘like’ or ‘as’.” A simile is figurative of speech in which two quite different things are compared because they appear to be similar in at least one characteristic. Example: 1. His eyes was like the star. In the expression above consists of simile. Eyes and star is comparing as a subject. Literally, it means his eyes is beautiful. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD

2.8.4 Litotes

Litotes means saying less than is actually the case. Tarigan 1985:58 says, “Litotes adalah sejenis gaya bahasa yang mengandung pernyataan yang dikecil- kecilkan, dikurangi dari kenyataan yang sebenarnya, misalnya untuk merendahkan diri.” In other words, a figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite. Examples: 1. She is not as young as she was. 2. He is no oil painting. In the first expression above consists of litotes. The speaker wants to emphasize that she is old. And in the second expression, literally it means he is ugly.

2.8.5 Personification

Personification means giving an inhuman thing human qualities. Personification derived from Latin word, persona meaning person, actor or mask used in the theater and fic means to make. Keraf 1980:244 says, “Personifikasi adalah gaya bahasa yang melekatkan sifat-sifat insani kepada barang yang tidak bernyawa dan ide yang abstrak. Juga disebut penginsanan.” In other words, the object are likely considered as human characteristics are attached to the objects themselves. Example: 1. My pen is dancing on paper now. In the expression above consists of personification, pen as the inanimate object is depicted as human. Literally, it means I am writing on paper now. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD

2.8.6 Irony

Irony is facetious, sarcastical way of speaking. Irony means meaning the opposite of what is said. Etymologically, the word irony derived from the Greek word eironeia meaning deception or trick. Keraf 1991:143 says, “Ironi atau sindiran adalah suatu acuan yang ingin mengatakan sesuatu dengan makna atau maksud berlainan dari apa yang terkandung dalam ungkapan kata-kata .” Example: 1. Her kitchen is very clean. In the expression above consists of irony. The speaker wants to emphasize that she has the dirty kitchen.

2.9 Novel

Literature can be divided into fiction and non-fiction. Novel included the form of fiction work. Novel is focuses on narrative or telling stories and has the form of narrative. The fictional narrative, the novels distinct ‘literary’ prose, specific media requirements, a characteristic subject matter that creates intimacy and length can be seen as features that developed with the Western and modern market of fiction. The separation of the field of literary fiction from the field of historical narrative fueled the evolution of these features in the last 400 years. Novels are supposed to show qualities of literature and art, while historical accounts are written with the intention to fuel a public debate over responsibilities. A novel can deal with history. It will be analyzed, however, as a timeless work of art. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD

2.10 Previous Study