Data Analysis Method Data Analysis Procedures


3.1 Research Method

In this thesis, I apply library research to get supporting information related to the topic of analysis. Nawawi 1993:30 states that: “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur baik di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain. ”

3.2 Data Collecting Method

Data are sentences 32 and utterances 8 are contained non-literal meaning taken from novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck which consists of 97 pages. I apply observation method in collecting the data. Mahsun 2006:218 says, “Observation method is method that is usually used by the researc her to observe language using”. In this research, the researcher used teknik simak bebas libat cakap non participatory observation.

3.3 Data Analysis Method

Descriptive method will be used in analyzing the data. Nazir 1985:63, “Metode deskriptif adalah suatu metode dalam meneliti status sekelompok manusia, suatu objek, suatu set kondisi, suatu sistem pemikiran ataupun suatu kelas peristiwa pada masa sekarang. ” Descriptive method is a method of examining the status a group of people, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought or a class of events in the present. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD Furthermore, according to Whitney in Nazir, 1960:160, “Metode deskriptif adalah pencarian fakta dengan interpretasi yang tepat.” Descriptive method is the search for the proper interpretation of the facts. After that, I use qualitative method. Qualitative is applied by giving a description of figurative language. Punch 1998: 4 , “Qualitative method is empirical research where the data are not in the form of numbers. ” In counti ng the percentage of data, I will apply Nawawi’s social analysis method. The most dominant type of figurative language will be calculated based on the following formula: X X 100 = N Y X : Number of the subcategories of figurative language. Y : Number all of data. N : Percentage of the subcategories of figurative language. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD

3.4 Data Analysis Procedures

In analyzing the data, the applied procedures are: 1. Reading the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck. 2. Identifying the text about non-literal meaning found in it by underlining them. 3. Classifying the non-literal meaning into more specific categories, i.e. hyperbole, metaphor, simile, litotes, personification and irony. 4. Analyzing the data to interpret the meaning of each non-literal meaning. All the data will be analyzed based on figurative dictionary. 5. Making the percentage of non-literal meaning. 8QLYHUVLWDV6 XPDWHUD8WDUD CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION

4.1 Finding