Practicing relaxation methods Gayle’s positive coping actions

48 Practicing relaxation methods

Sport is the most important thing for Gayle. By doing some sports she can stop thinking and worrying about her past traumatic experiences and also stop herself from doing negative coping actions, for example drinking or taking drugs. So she decides to spend as much as time on joining some sports club. Perhaps it worked the other way around too. Maybe the importance of sport in my life and the resultant need to eat so as to maintain my energy levels was what stopped me from starving myself even more. In fact I think that sport was also one of the things that stopped me from turning to drink or drugs. When I was playing netball, hockey, rounders, trampolining, or dancing, I stopped thinking and worrying. For that brief time I wasn’t anxious or suicidal, I was just immersed in what I was doing. I loved that feeling which was why I spent as much time as I could on sports Sanders 197-198 Besides, she also is practicing another relaxation method. Sometimes, she will go shopping with her grandmother and she will get a video to watch for the afternoon. They also will eat a custard tarts together and enjoy watching film. Gayle and her grandmother also play Scrabble Sanders 195. Those actions above make Gayle forget the chaotic problem that she has experienced because this is a kind of relaxation method which can make Gayle feel relaxed. According to Ruzek in his article Coping with PTSD and Recommended Lifestyle Changes for PTSD Patients , practicing relaxation methods can include muscular relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, swimming, stretching, yoga prayer, listening to quiet music, and spending time in nature. Even though these relaxation techniques can be helpful, they can sometimes increase distress by focusing attention on disturbing physical sensations. Here, the physical sensations may become more apparent when a person is relaxed. Listening to music, walking PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 around, and doing other activities are good ways of reducing negative reactions to internal thoughts, feelings, or perceptions. From the analysis above we can see Gayle’s optimism and smartness in trying to find support and help from others.

4.4.2 Gayle’s negative coping actions