To Decide whether to Return to Spain or not


2. To Decide whether to Return to Spain or not

The second intrapersonal conflict faced by Santiago is to decide whether to return to Spain or not. After being robbed, Santiago works at the crystal shop and has succeeded in improving the crystal business. Having earned enough money to buy sheep, Santiago plans to return to Spain. When he had finished his smoke, he reached into one of his pockets, and sat there for a few moments, regarding what he had withdrawn. It was a bundle of money. Enough to buy himself a hundred and twenty sheep, a return ticket, and a license to import products from Africa into his own country p. 63. The conflict appears when Santiago finds Urim and Thummim falling to the floor as he takes his jacket out of his old shepherd pouch. After that, he feels doubt about his plan to return to Spain. The two stones remind him of the old man who has said to keep dreaming and following the omens. However, he tries to convince himself that he will do what he did before, “I’m going to go back to doing just what I did before, the boy thought. Even though the sheep didn’t teach me to speak Arabic” p. 64. Moreover, he feels that the old king is nearby as he picks up the stones. He also remembers what the old man has said. The old man says that he always appears to help those who try to pursue their destiny. It makes Santiago feel more confident as if he can conquer the world. However, he keeps convincing himself that he will return to Spain. “But I’m going back to the fields that I know, to take care of my flock again.” He said that to himself with certainty, but he was no longer happy with his decision. He had worked for an entire year to make a dream come true, and that dream minute by minute, was becoming less important. Maybe because that was not really his dream p. 66. 19 From this situation, it can be concluded that his thought about the old man reminds him of his dream. That is to search for the treasure. He knows that returning to Spain makes him unhappy even though he can buy sheep. It is because it is not what he really wants to do. Therefore, according to Lewin as cited in Weiner 1980, he faces an approach-avoidance conflict. The attractive aspect of returning to Spain is that he can buy sheep. On the other hand, to return to Spain also makes him unhappy because it is not his dream. In facing the conflict, Santiago tries to avoid it. He tries to deny his desire to go to Egypt by convincing himself that maybe it is better not to pursue his dream like the crystal merchant, “Who knows... maybe it’s better to be like the crystal merchant: never go to Mecca, and just go through life wanting to do so, he thought, again trying to convince himself” p. 66. He then uses know who is involved skill as proposed by Decenzo and Silhanek 2002 in dealing with this conflict. In this case, Santiago tries to consider the importance of the goal. As stated in the previous quotation, Santiago feels that to return to Spain becomes less important because it is not his dream. Then, he considers his own character and interest as well. Santiago knows that to return to Spain means that he will look after his flock again. He will never forget how to do that. Meanwhile, he will not probably have a chance to get to Egypt if he decides to return to Spain. This can be seen from the following quotation. I can always go back to being a shepherd, the boy thought. I learned how to care for sheep, and I haven’t forgotten how that’s done. But maybe I’ll have another chance to get to the Pyramids in Egypt. The old man wore a breastplate of gold, and he knew about my past. He really was a king, a wise king pp. 66-67. 20 Santiago finally decides to continue going to Egypt. His being adventurous influences his decision. He knows that his flock can be a good friend but he wants to know whether the desert can be a friend for him. The desert is a place where the treasure is buried. He can always go home if he does not find it. Yet, he has enough money and the time he needs to go to Egypt. This becomes the opportunity to pursue his dream.

3. To Decide whether to Leave Fatima or not