Theoretical Framework Approach of the Study Method of the Study

9 someone who is neutral and helps the conflicting parties to determine and understand all the facts. Meanwhile, an arbitrator is a third party who manages the differences and makes a decision.

C. Theoretical Framework

The use of each theory applied in this study is explained as follows. First, theory of character by Abrams and Harpham, Arp and Johnson, Koesnosoebroto, and E. M. Forster are used to describe what type of character Santiago is. Besides, Murphy’s theory of characterization is employed to show how Paulo Coelho describes Santiago’s characteristics in the novel. Then, theory of the types of conflict by Worchel and Cooper is applied to identify what kind of conflict that Santiago faces. Lewin’s theory of intrapersonal conflict is used to examine Santiago’s intrapersonal conflicts in pursuing his dream. After examining Santiago’s intrapersonal conflicts, several theories of conflict resolution proposed by Decenzo and Silhanek, Borisoff and Victor are used to find out the resolutions of Santiago’s intrapersonal conflicts.

D. Approach of the Study

In Reading and Writing about Literature, Rohrberger and Woods 1971 state that to be able to comprehend the meaning and the value of literary works, critical approaches to literature are needed. In addition, applying a critical approach is helpful to give a careful and reasonable judgment on a literary work so that it is not only based on whether people like it or not. One of the critical 10 approaches to literature is psychological approach. It focuses on an understanding of human nature through how characters in literary works behave Kennedy Gioia, 1999. The psychological approach is applied because this study aims to find out Santiago’s intrapersonal conflicts in pursuing his dream. Since intrapersonal conflict deals with a struggle between two or more desires existing within a person’s mind, thus it is included in one of some aspects in psychological field. In addition, the way Santiago solves his conflict shows one’s behavior which is included in psychological field. Therefore, this approach is appropriate to be used in this study.

E. Method of the Study

Library study is used as a method in this study. According to George 2008, library research method is defined as a method which “involves identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or personal or expert opinion on a research question” p. 6. By using library study, the researchers can select and find the sources which are needed to analyze the problems formulated in the study. Further, both primary and secondary sources are used in conducting this study. The primary source of this study is a novel entitled The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The secondary sources are taken from some books related to literature, critical approaches to literature, and psychological theories. Besides, some articles are also taken from the internet. 11 Moreover, in order to answer the formulated problems, there are some steps in conducting this study. First, the novel is read several times. Second, after having read the novel thoroughly, one topic is chosen. That is the Santiago’s intrapersonal conflicts in pursuing his dream. Third, some notes related to the topic are taken. Fourth, some books and articles related to the topic are gathered. Fifth, the character and the characterization of Santiago are analyzed. Sixth, his intrapersonal conflicts and the conflict resolutions are analyzed. Seventh, the conclusions are drawn. Then, an implication is made. The last, several recommendations for future researchers are given. 12


This part aims to answer the problems formulated in this study. It is divided into two sections. The first section focuses on the description of Santiago in the novel. The second section analyzes Santiago’s intrapersonal conflicts in pursuing his dream.

A. The Description of Santiago in The Alchemist

Santiago is one of the characters in The Alchemist. According to Koesnosoebroto 1988, Santiago can be categorized as a major character because he appears intensely in the story. Moreover, according to Forster, as cited in Abrams and Harpham 2009, he is classifed as a round character because his characters cannot be easily described in a single phrase or sentence. Furthermore, based on Arp Johnson 2012, Santiago is described as a dynamic character since he has been changing along the story. For instance, he eventually can speak Arabic after staying for several months in Tangier and he also changes his clothing style as well. Further, his perception of the treasure also changes as he learns from his experience along the journey to pursue his dream. Moreover, by using Murphy’s theory of characterization, the way Paulo Coelho describes Santiago’s characteristics in The Alchemist can be explained as follows.

1. Adventurous

Santiago is eager to try something new. It is seen when he always tries to find a new road while he is travelling in Andalusia. This characteristic is revealed