Saran Penggunaan Modul Modul GP Bhs Inggris SMA KK B1 Profesional

Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional B 3 tentang tujuan, indikator pencapaian, uraian materi, aktifitas pembelajaran, latihan, rangkuman, umpan balik dan kunci jawaban. Pada kegiatan pembelajaran anda memperoleh gambaran, bagaimana kegiatan penyampaian materi pada kegiatan tersebut kepada peserta didik. Anda sangat disarankan untuk mengerjakan soal soal latihan, agar Anda memiliki pengalaman pada materi tersebut. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 CORE MODALS AND SEMI MODALS

A. Tujuan

Setelah pelatihan, peserta mampu memahami penggunaan modality dalam aspek kebahasaan baik linguistik; wacana, sosiolinguistik maupun strategis

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Menggunakan modality Core Modals dan Semi Modals dalam berbagai kompetensi kebahasaan linguistik, wacana, sosiolinguistik, dan strategis. 2. Menentukan modality Core Modals dan Semi Modals yang tepat sesuai konteks

C. Uraian Materi

: CORE MODALS AND SEMI MODALS A. INTRODUCTION: Modal verbs can, could, must, should, ought to, may, might, will, would, shall are modal auxiliary verbs that express ability, necessity, obligation, duty, request, permission, advice, desire, probability, possibility, etc. Modal verbs express the speakers attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.  She can drive. ability  I must go. strong necessity  You should call him. advice  Could you help me with this report, please? request  You may stay here. permission  I would like to see her. desire 4 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional B  He might leave soon. possibility


Modals include core modal verbs, semi-modal verbs also called marginal modals and other modal expressions. They combine main verbs and modify their meanings. A modal may have several different meanings, while similar meanings may be expressed by using different modals:  He cant be at home; Ive just met him. deduction  Unless you finish your homework, you cant go to the cinema. prohibition  Can I help you? offer  May I help you? offer


The modal verbs or modal auxiliary verbs are: can, could, may, might, will, shall, would, should and must.  Modal verbs always come first in a verb phrase and are followed by a bare infinitive. When used with a perfect infinitive, modal verbs usually refer to past time:  I could hear the dog barking outside. modal + simple bare infinitive  You must be joking. modal + continuous bare infinitive  He may have caught the train. modal + perfect bare infinitive  You must have been waiting for hours. modal + perfect continuous bare infinitive Contracted forms of will and would are often used in spoken and in informal written language ll and d:  Id tell you if I knew.  Theyll be here soon.  Modal verbs take no -s in the third person singular:  He might be at the office.