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Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional B 87 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3 THE USE OF MODALS IN TEXTS

A. Tujuan

Setelah pelatihan, peserta mampu memahami penggunaan modality dalam aspek kebahasaan baik linguistik; wacana, sosiolinguistik maupun strategis

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Menggunakan modality The use of modals in texts: modals in interpersonal and transactional texts dan text types dalam berbagai kompetensi kebahasaan linguistik, wacana, sosiolinguistik, dan strategis. 2. Menentukan modality yang tepat sesuai konteks

C. Uraian Materi:

THE EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF MODALS IN INTERPERSONAL AND TRANSACTIONAL TEXT Example 1 Student : Ma`am, I find difficulty to understand this material, Could you explain it? Teacher : Of course. But I will do it in break time. I am going to teach now. Student : Thank you Ma’am. The use of could expressed by the students shows that the students want to be polite. The teacher expresses “I will do in the break time”, it means the teacher shows that she he decides and is certain helping the student it in the break time. The teacher also says “ I am going to teach now” to show that she he has already planned the activity of teaching before the moment of speaking. Example 2 Teacher : Students, as we know that some classes of our school are under construction, so you must not have activities there. 88 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional B Students : Alright Ma’am, but where can we hold our extracurricular activity? Teacher : You may hold your activities in school auditorium, but you have to clean it after you finish. Students : Thank you, Ma`am. The use of must not shows tha the teacher does not permit the students to have activities near the constructed class. The students ask where they are permitted to handle their activities by expressing “where can we hold our extracurricular activity?”. The teacher shows permission by expressing “You may hold your activities in school auditorium” and the teacher also show that there is school obligation to clean by expressing “you have to clean it after you finish” THE EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF MODALS IN SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT Example 1: The use of modal in an announcement Source : notices.html down loaded on September 29, 2015 Example 2: The use of modals in personal letter The transcript of Mr. Mandela’s Letter to daughters Zeni and Zindzi, 23.6.69 My darlings, Once again our beloved mummy has been arrested and now she and daddy are away in jail. My heart bleeds as I think of her sitting in some police cell far