Review on Social Condition in India after Independence

prosperous country, Indian government has to reform all sectors including social part Wolpert, 2009: 377. The transformations are also done in social sector. Milton W. Meyer in his book entitled South Asia: A Short History of the Subcontinent depicts the importance of the social revolution. He remarks that the planned of social revolution in India is as important as the political and economic changes. India employs strong rule for foreign regime that ever control stability and economy segment in Indian history. This strong rule aims to prevent the negative ramifications of the Western culture to the traditions in India. Western cultures tend to destroy the old traditions in India. However, India uses caste system in determining the social stratification. At times, Nehru also makes significant transformation in caste system. The emergence of the constitution in 150 evokes the problems in the caste system in India. In this constitution, the Harijans are classified as an exterior caste, the untouchables. Nehru changes the rule as the realization of Untouchables Offenses Act in 1955. This act gives a significant changing for an exterior caste which can use wells and access to shops, restaurants, hotels and places of entertainment. Further reformations also occur in Hindus which are enacted of Hindu Marriage Act, Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, Hindu Succession Act, and Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act. The traditional privileges, differences, and distinctions based on custom and caste are removed. Marriage is recognized as contractual, and it is permitted between parties of differing castes. Divorces are sanctioned for women as well as for men Meyer, 1976: 191-192.

3. Review on Social Condition in England 1957-1960

England is the most aggressive country in scrambling the resources in Asia and Africa. The writer provides the history of England from 1957 to 1960. The writer applies Jeremy Black’s explanations in order to get better understanding. Black ’s A New History of England Black, 2008: 223-225 contends that the loss of empire signs the political experience of England from outbreak of the First World War to the 1960s. The significant changing occurs in economic and social sector as the aftermath of the technological innovation and application. Transitions encompass the permanent damage of the environment which becomes a fundamental issue from 1960. More generally, the population rate in England decrease significantly because many soldiers die in First World War. Although England has a problem in population rate, England starts to move to industrial stage. It can be seen from the amount of population of rural England. Most of the British do not attract in the agriculture. In 1921-1939, the number of agricultural laborers fell by quarter, and the pace quickened after the Second World War. Horses are replaced by tractors, and local water-mills fell into disuse. The alteration also arises in music zone which attends the great musician such as Elgar and Vaughan Williams. The crafts movement develops from the 1900s, in large part as affirmation of vernacular culture that is worth defending. In fiction, there are ruralist writers, such as Henry Williamson. His work is Tarka the Otter 1927. Andrew Jackson in his blog, Designing Britain 1947-1975 says that in 1950s can be considered a golden era for British culture. The transformation occurs in politic sector which the conservative system is replaced by democratic system. The Britain makes General Election in 1951. This election can be claimed as basic indicator to measure reformation in England. Britain is entering a period of increased affluence and freedom, and many of the old social and cultural structures begin to be challenged, particularly by the young. In addition, American ways of life have entered to the British public in the end 1950. American cultures and goods come to British. Jackson remarks how the American life styles influence the British society. He depicts that: By the 1960s consumption have become less connected with utilitarian needs, and more to do with and comfort. The era of the ―lifestyle‖ have begun, and specialist retailers began to spring up, providing outlets where people could buy into a new identity based around design or fashion. Manufactures are only happy to meet this demand, and ephemeral products, often reflecting an increasing interest in fashion and pop music began to be developed and sold. The restoration also occurs in education sector. The state funded education system pushes children from working class families to study at college and university. Education is a best way to improve social status in British society. The emergence of new education system blurs social class viewing from high culture and mass culture. It is because through education, the working class can move to upper class. British society also begins to question old values. Many of cultural conventions that seem so enduring only twenty years earlier begin to crumble, and new cultural forms such as cinema and pop music begin to be treated with the same degree of seriousness as high culture. The rise of television, radio shows, satirical magazines and films are become main factors of rapid development in England.

D. Theoretical Framework

The theories that are explained in the previous section are used to help the writer to examine the problems in this thesis. The analysis employs the theories of character and characterization to know more deep about the personalities and motivations, perspective of Willie in three different geographical locations. In this thesis, the writer analyzes the main character, Willie. In order to know deeper about Willie’s perspectives, theory of character is employed. Abrams emphasizes that ―characters are on the dramatic or narrative work and they have particular moral, intellectual and emotional qualities ‖ Abrams, 2009: 32-33 . The theorist’s basic principles about characters become references to the writer in analy zing Willie’s character especially his perspectives. Theory of characterization becomes a significant aspect in determining Willie’s character. The theory is used as the writer’s field of inquiry to answer the first question. Thus, the theory of character and characterization reveal the perspectives of the main character and then it supports the next problem formulation. Subsequently, postcolonial theory with its discussion on colonialism and orientalism, and also theory on setting are employed as guidance to understand intensely about the issue that novel brings about. Most of Naipaul’s works discusses disapora’s theme. In analyzing diasporic movement, the role of the theory of setting becomes an essential part. The notion of diaspora itself is the movement from one place to another place. Besides, diaspora movement also is the nexus of the time and social condition. Thus, theory of setting becomes a proper theory in order to scrutinize the diasporic movement of Willie.