Hardworking The Description of Clare

life. Clare always tries to be tough in facing problems in her life, and then she struggles to survive and to gain a better life.

5. Hardworking

There is no doubt that Clare is hardworking. She carries out all the jobs she has professionally and punctually, no matter how hard they are. Her hard work can be seen through her mannerisms and habits. It is stated that Clare has a regular weekly routine at home. She has the duty to wash the kitchen, clean the gas stove, sweep the floor, and tidy her bed. Besides, Clare also has a turn to wash and dry the kitchen utensils every third day Briscoe 149. On a Saturday morning, although her back aches and her neck is sniff for sleeping on the floor, as a hard worker Clare still has the willingness to do her weekend work. After having a quick wash, Clare then continues to do the house cleaning. Then I set about my weekend work. I hoovered the stairs from top to bottom, cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom. Still no sign of my mother. The sitting room needed hoovering, but that could wait. The plates left over from the morning’s breakfast were in the sink. They did not take long to wash, dry and replace in the rightful position. The toilet … The ironing came next, after a spin in the twin-tub. Finished Briscoe 206 After her mother leaves her alone at home, Clare finds herself run out of money. Her money from Saturday job at Roses is no longer enough to fulfill the daily needs. She then comes to a decision to find another job. Fortunately, Angela Fuentes, an old friend of her mother is able to provide Clare a cleaning job at Whitehall. She works there from Monday to Friday from 5 a.m. until 8 a.m. Having learnt from her past experience of being almost unable to finish the cleaning on time, Clare then works very hard to handle to job afterwards. Since she is a hard worker, Clare is able to establish her cleaning job as a part of her life after passing two weeks. “By the time a week or two had passed, my early cleaning job was a well established part of my life. I could now be left at my own” Briscoe 349. Working both as a cleaning service and a shop assistant, Clare still concerns about her study. As her exams are approaching, Clare works very hard on studying. Every day when she returns home, Clare will spend at least four hours revising. This routine results extreme tiredness during the week, but at weekend after her Saturday job Clare is happy to have enough time to concentrate on her revision Briscoe 356. In order to be able to pay rent and weekly payment of the bed she orders, Clare then applies for a night duty auxiliary nurse at King’s College Hospital. Although Clare finds that period of time very exhausting since she has to handle three different jobs at a time, at last Clare is able to manage them. She becomes accustomed with the routine that repeat itself. She works hard and never complains; just go on with it. Although my shift started at 9 p.m. on Sunday and finished at 8 a.m. on Monday, if I refused to take a break during the night I could leave at 7 a.m., sometimes slightly earlier. On Monday mornings I would take the bus to Camberwell Green and then a bus from there to my cleaning job at Whitehall. Once that was finished, I caught a bus back to Camberwell Gate where I swapped my work clothes for my school clothes and went to school. Monday was always a difficult day for me, simply because I was totally exhausted. It was a routine that repeat itself, year in and year out. I never complained, just go on with it Briscoe 387. It is obvious that Clare is hardworking. It can be analyzed from her mannerisms and habits. Although sometimes she finds difficulties while dealing with her jobs, Clare always works hard to manage them. Handling out several jobs at a time, Clare always deals with them professionally and punctually.

6. Idealistic