Critical Approach Review of Related Theories

Barnet, Burto, and Chain 229 propose other ways of characterization. They propose four aspects that can be used to determine a person’s character. The first is from what the character the person says. It means that the words expressed in opinions and dialogues by the character in the story are clues for the readers to know his characteristics. However, we as the readers consider that what he says need not to be taken at a face value; the character may be hypocritical, of self-deceived, or biased. The second way is from what the character does. Here, the reader will be able to notice the characteristics though the character’s actions, including his movements, gestures, and body languages. The third is from other characters say about the character. It also includes other characters’ comment and opinion about him. The last is from what others do. It includes the description of other characters’ action toward this character whether they like him or not and how they behave toward him.

3. Critical Approach

According to Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. 3, every literary work has an aesthetic value. After reading a literary work, the readers will be able to response to its aesthetic value. In addition, the response itself is called as aesthetic response. In order to be able to response to the aesthetic value of literary work, knowing and understanding critical approaches is extremely required. Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. 6-15 propose five kinds of critical approaches. They are: a. The Formalist Approach This approach totally focuses on the aesthetic value and the integrity of the literary piece. The harmonious involvement of all the parts to the whole is regarded as important, including the derivation of the meaning from its structure and consideration of the techniques toward the structure. b. The Biographical Approach An appreciation of the author’s idea and personality is emphasized by this approach. Moreover, proponents of biographical approach employ the biography of the author as the basis of analysis. They attempt to learn as much as possible about the life and the development of the author. Then apply this knowledge in understanding and analyzing his work. c. The Socio Cultural-Historical Approach The main concern of this approach is to take into account the civilization in which a work was created as the reference in analyzing the work itself. The proponents of this approach believe that the social and culture condition including the attitudes and the actions of people will have great influences to the author in producing the work. Therefore, they point out that it is necessary to investigate the social condition where a work was created. d. The Mythopoeic Approach In understanding a literary work, this approach emphasizes on finding particular recurrent pattern of human thoughts. These patterns are considered sharing the same universal belief to certain community mind. They often concern death and rebirth, guilt and sacrifices, primitive rites, and theological aspects of Christian doctrine, which are commonly found in ancient myths and folk terms. Therefore, the mystical relationship in a story can be explained by this approach. e. The Psychological Approach The focus of this approach is to identify any aspects of psychology underlying a certain element of a literary work. The theory of human psychology is used in this approach to analyze the character’s behavior, motivation, and personality pattern that can be interrelated to the psychology of human being. This psychology approach involves efforts to locate and demonstrate a recurrent pattern. Therefore, this approach gives a deeper understanding in analyzing character’s thought and how it influences the behavior pattern. One thing that should always be our consideration is that every approach has its own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Not all approaches can be applied to a certain literary work. In contrast, no single approach will suit to all kinds of literary work. Therefore, this is our responsibility to determine what kind of approach that will lead us to have a better understanding and comprehension of a literary work. We must be able to choose the most appropriate approach that will be the best suit to our analysis.

4. Motivation