our problem solving skill will automatically develop. The second category is acceptance of the situation. It is sometimes better for us to accept the problems and its consequences, as there is no solution for it. However, we have to be careful with unconsidered acceptance. Sometimes we accept consequences that we could have avoided. The third category is defense mechanisms such as repression and denial. These defense mechanisms are very helpful in alleviating stress and anxiety while dealing with difficult situations. Still, there is a danger too. Overuse of these defenses can create severe disturbances Braun, Linder, and Asimov 478. According to McKechnie 367, struggle is a task or goal requiring much effort to accomplish or achieve. People struggle because they have goal that motivate them. They have dreams to achieve. Therefore, they will give the greatest effort to accomplish the dreams. It keeps them struggling, even in the most difficult situation. When people fail to reach their goal, they will struggle from the unpleasant experience. They can learn positive things from their struggle. Each person believes that he needs struggle since he realizes that all of his efforts will satisfy him.

B. Theoretical Framework

The approach and theories I have discussed above are used to help to analyze this novel. They will be applied to answer the problems of this study. In this part, I would like to explain which approach and theories used and how they are applied in the analysis. The first aim of the study is to find out the description of Clare as the major character in the novel. The theories of character by Forster and Henkle are used to find out what types of character Clare is. I use the theory of character by Forster to find out whether Clare is flat or round character. The theory of character proposed by Henkle is used to determine what short of character Clare is, major or secondary character. Furthermore, I apply the methods of characterization by Murphy to dig out the complexity of Clare’s character. This theory helps me to discover and obtain the description of Clare’s character revealed in the novel. The second objective is to find out the causes of Clare’s struggle, her motivation to struggle, and her struggle for a better life. The theories used are theory of motivation, struggle for life and human basic needs. The theory of motivation is used to analyze Clare’s motivation to struggle for life. While the theory of struggle for life is used to find out the causes of Clare’s struggle and how she reacts in dealing with the problems she encounters in life. I use Maslow’s theory of human basic needs to analyze what basic needs that cause Clare to struggle for a better life and how she struggles to fulfill those needs. Therefore, those theories will be very helpful in analyzing this novel. 24


This chapter presents the methodology of the study, which can be divided into three parts. The first part is object of study. It describes the novel Ugly and the focus of the study. The second part is the approach. It states the approach that is used in the study. The third part is the procedure. It explains the steps conducted in analyzing the novel.

A. Object of Study

The novel analyzed in this study is entitled Ugly. It was written by Constance Biscoe as a memoir of her childhood. Printed in paperback, this novel consists of 433 pages, which is divided into 25 chapters. It was published in Great Britain in 2006 by Hodder and Stoughton. The novel Ugly by Constance Briscoe starts with the description of Clare’s family members. Her mother, Carmen, is a Jamaican. George, her father, comes from Portland. They meet in England, and then decide to get married. They have six children. As the third daughter, Clare has three sisters and two brothers. Her mother gives Clare treatments that are extremely different from the treatments given to her other sisters and brothers. In her early teens, she is beaten and abused by her own mother. The starting point of all problems is her father’s abandonment. After winning Littlewoods Pools, he leaves his family and only returns at Christmas time with food and presents in his hands. Her mother’s