Definition Methods of Characterization

a. Definition

Rohrberger and Woods 1971 define characterization as the process by which an author creates the character to be a certain type of people p. 180. Moreover, Holman and Harmon 1986 believe that characterization is the process of creating an unreal person in a story. Although the characters are unreal, they a ppear to be real in the readers‟ mind pp. 81-82. Characterization helps the author to communicate and guide the readers to interpret and understand more about the character in the story. Murphy 1972 states that characterization is the way the author conveys the characters and personalities naturally so that the readers understand the character well p. 161.

b. Methods of Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods 1971 propose two ways of characterization. Those are the direct means and the dramatic means. The direct means are the description of the character‟s physical appearance, while the dramatic means are the description of the character from the way he or she behaves and speaks p.20. Furthermore, Murphy 1972 explains the ways the author uses to create a character. According to him, there are nine ways to determine the characteristic of a character pp.165-173. The first way is personal description in which character can be seen from the way the author describe the character‟s appearance, such as the body, face, hair, completions and so on. Besides, character can be seen also from the description of the character‟s style, including clothes. Furthermore, the second step to the forth step are as follow. The second is characters as seen by other. I n this way, the author shows the character‟s characteristics through other characters‟ opinion. The third is Speech. It can be in the form of dialogue or monolog. The utterances and speech conveyed by the character in the novel show the character‟s ideas about something. The forth is Past life. Through a character‟s past experiences, the readers are given some clues that may shape a character‟s characteristics. The fifth is conversation of other. Character may also be presented through conversation of others and what other characters say about certain character. It means the readers can analyze the character through what others think of him or her. The sixth is reaction. Here, the reader can analyze the character by seeing how he or she react to various situation and events he or she faced. The next is direct comment. In this way the author may directly show a person‟s character by giving direct comment or description about the character that he creates. Number eight is Thoughts. The author may describe the character through what a character is thinking about certain things or cases. And the last is mannerism. The reader can see the character from the character‟s habit, or models of behavior illustrated in the novel.

4. Theory of Psychology