Definition Types of Character

change. Moreover, the approa ch enables the writer to explore Firdaus‟ thought and behavior that promote the discussion of personality change.

2. Theory of Character in the Novel

a. Definition

Character in a novel is sometimes defined as the figure or person in the story. Barnet 1988 states that, character has two meanings. They are a figure in a literary works and personality that is attributed to the mental and moral qualities of a figure p.77. Therefore, character can be said as the figure itself or the figure‟s character such as personality, traits, and characteristics. In addition, Holman and Hormon 1986 note that character is a complicated term that includes the idea of the moral condition of the human personality, the presence of moral virtue, and the simpler concept of human presentation as the creature in art p. 81. Moreover, Holman and Harmon 1986 argue that characters can be divided in to protagonist and antagonist based on their role played in the story. Protagonist character is always opposed by the antagonist character p.27. However, the protagonist character is a leading figure in the importance of the play who attract more interest and sympathy from the reader. Moreover, Abrams 1993 conveys that characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work whom the readers can interpret their qualities through their dialogue and action p.23.

b. Types of Character

Foster 1974 divides character into two categories. They are; flat and round characters. Flat character is static and does not develop, while round character is complex and represents many traits and qualities. Round character is not easy to identify since its character is dynamic and always changes. In addition, Holman and Harmon 1986 propose another theory of character. They divide character in to static and dynamic. Static character is the one who change a little or does not change at all. The character remains still from the beginning until the end of the story. Dynamic character is the one who changes very often. The experiences and actions that are faced by the character encourage him and her to change. Furthermore, based on the prominent and function, Henkle 1977 divides character in to major and secondary character. Major character is the one who get the attention from the readers and other characters. Meanwhile, the secondary character is the one who perform limited functions p. 87.

3. Theory of Characterization