Smart Firdaus’ Former Personality

3. Smart

Firdaus was born as a smart woman. She was smart. She also loves studying. For her learning and studying is a pleasure. It is not a burden, but something that she loves to do. Firdaus‟ uncle used to teach her read and write. Firdaus mentions, “… When I was still a child and had not learned to read or write. My uncle would put a chalk pencil between my fingers and make me write on a slate” p. 14. For Firdaus, education is something she always dreams on. She wants to attend the school and become an educated woman. „What will you do in Cairo, Firdaus?‟ And I would replay: „ I will go to El Azhar and study like you.‟ Then he would laugh and explain that El Azhar was only for men. And I would cry, and hold on to his hand, as the train started to move p.14. Becoming an educated woman in Firdaus sociaty in that era is something uncommon. Woman‟s role is to become an obedient house wife, so education is not suggested for a woman. However, Firdaus does not give up pursuing her dream for going to school. She proves it by her willingness to practice reading and writing with her uncle. School is where the smart Firdaus can develop herself. She feels school is the only way to lead her chasing her dream. She succeeds to prove that she has done well at school trough her achievement. She explains how she gets a fabulous achievement at school, “When the result of the final examination was announced, I was told that I had come out second in the school and seventh in the countrywide” p.32. Her achievement is the result of her continuous hard work and brilliant mind. To be different as the other women, Firdaus is able to criticize the social and politic situation in her society. She prefers to read the books about politics rather than the books about love stories. From the books she reads, she finds out the situation of her society. She also learns about the outside worlds. Reading politics books surely extends her knowledge and arises her critical thinking. I develop to love books, for with every book I learned something new. ... I got to know about the Persians, the Turks and the Arabs. I read about the crimes committed by kings and rulers, about wars, peoples, revolutions, and the lives of revolutionaries. I read love stories and love poems. But, I preferred books written about rulers p.26. Firdaus is a smart woman indeed. However, her intelligence is sunk behind her powerless body and mind. Firdaus has no guidance or protection from people around her. She is also lack of love and affection. It results on her failure to actualize her expertise well. Firdaus faces many obstacles when she tries to find a job with her secondary school certificate. It is because she entrusts other people to find her one rather than she does it by herself. She buries her willingness and capacity to find a job in the fear of outside world and her inconfidence. Bayoumi who realizes the situation takes the benefits from Firdaus‟ trust to him. He treats Firdaus very well, so that she does not realize his bad intention. However, Firdaus is smart woman. She finally understands the situation; she realizes that thing has gone wrong. Therefore, she complains the situation to Bayoumi. She exclaims, “I cannot continue to live in your house‟, I stammered. „ I‟m a woman, you‟re a man, and people are talking. Besides, you promised I‟d stay only until you found me a job” p.52. Knowing that Bayoumi has deceived her Firdaus attempts to escape from him. She is finally able to escape by the help of Bayou mi‟s neighbor. Firdaus keeps learning to understand every situation she faced. Her miserable experience with Bayoumi has taught her to be able to defend herself from the people who want to take benefit of her. From Firdaus‟ speech, reaction, and past life it can be concludes that Firdaus is a smart woman.

4. Unconfident