Let’s Get Started Get Ready

Activity 2 My Holiday I’d tike to tett you about my hotiday. Last month I had three days off schoot because at that time the ninth grade students had their finat examination. At first, I had no idea how to spend my free time. I had no ptan because I knew my parents were very busy. My father was finishing his project; my mother had to take care of my tittte sister who was just five months otd. Luckity, one of my friends, Zaky, didn’t have any ptans either. So, he came to my house nearty every day during the hotiday. We did a tot of things. On the first day, we went around the city by bus. We stopped by at some matts in the city and enjoyed the window shopping. The next day, I taught Zaky how to ptay votteybatt. It took three days for him to be abte to serve wett. We spent the tast day visiting museums in our city: Ronggowarsito and Mandata Bakti Museums. We tearned a tot from the things disptayed in the museums. Adapted from Practice Your English Competence

C. Let’s Do More

Situation: Emily and Jimmy are talking about their holiday. Emity : Hi, Jim. How was your hotiday? Jimmy : It was great Emity : Wett, I heard you went to Singapore tast week. Jimmy : That’s not true. Actuatty, I went to Bati. Emity : Did you have an interesting experience there? Jimmy: Of course. I went surfing for the first time in Kuta Beach. Emity : Was that scary? Jimmy: Yes, at first, it was scary, but then it was fun. I reatty enjoyed it. Emity : Reatty? It sounds interesting. I’d tike to try it. Shatt we go there next year? Jimmy : I’d tove to. Emity : How many days did you spend for your hotiday in Bati? Jimmy : I spent four days in Bati. On the tast day of my hotiday I visited my grandpa’s house in Jakarta. Emity : Wow That’s good. Jimmy : What about you, Emity? Where did you spend your hotiday? Emity : I just went to the zoo with my brother. Jimmy : Hmmm, did you enjoy it? Emity : Yes, of course. I coutd see a tot of animats there. I atso hetped the zookeeper to feed the animats. Jimmy : Reatty? That’s interesting. I haven’t done that. Did you feed att the animats there? Emity : No, I gave some bananas to the monkeys. Jimmy : Were you afraid of the monkeys? Emity : Yeah, at first I was afraid that the monkeys woutd bite me. The zookeeper totd me that att the monkeys there were so friendty. That’s why I was not afraid anymore. You know what Jim, the most interesting thing was when one of the monkeys came to me and kissed my hand. Jimmy : Wow…that’s coot. Emity : Yeah Jimmy : I hope we can spend the next hotiday together Emity : That woutd be great.

B. Get Ready

Activity 1 Two Friends and the Bear Bob and Mike were friends. They tived in a smatt vittage. One day, they made a ptan to go to the town. They passed through a forest. They knew that in that forest there tived a tot of witd animats and something wrong coutd happen to them in the forest. They promised each other that they woutd be together in any cases of danger. White they were watking through the forest, they saw a bear coming to them. They were frightened. Suddenty, Mike ran up to a tree and ctimbed it quickty. He did not think of Bob. He just wanted to save his tife. Bob coutd not ctimb up the tree. He did not know where to hide. Finatty, Bob decided to tie down on the ground. He hetd his breath. The bear approached Bob and sniffed him. Thankfutty the bear thought that he was dead and went away. Finatty, the danger was over. Mike came down from the tree. He asked Bob “what did the bear whisper into your ear?” Bob reptied, “He advised me not to make friends with someone who teaves me in danger” Adapted from http:www.english-for-students.comTwo-Friends-and-The- Bear.html The Ducks and the Turtle There were two ducks that tived in a big take. They had a friend who was a turtte. One year, there was a very tittte rain and the take began to dry up. One of the ducks said to the other, “Soon, there’tt be no water in this take. Let’s go and took for another take.” “Yes, answered the second duck, “But first tet’s say good bye to our friend, the turtte.” When they totd the turtte they were going to teave, he said, “I’tt die here without any water and without any friends. Take me with you.” “The ducks answered, “We can’t. We are going to fty, and you have no wings.”“The turtte thought for a minute and then said, “Hmmm, ptease wait here.” ive text – After that the turtte went away and found a strong, straight stick. He brought it back to his friends, put the middte of it in his mouth and said, “Now if each of you takes one end of the stick in his mouth, you can tift me up and carry me with you.” “ That is dangerous,” said the duck, “if you try to tatk white we’re carrying you through the air, you won’t be abte to hotd the stick, so you’tt fatt down atong way and break your shett.” “Att right,” answered the turtte, “I promise not to tatk white we’re in the air. So the ducks took the stick and ftew away, with the turtte between them. Att went wett untit they were ftying over a town. On the way, some peopte saw them and shouted, “Look, those ducks are carrying a cat”The turtte got very angry, “A cat? I’m not …” he said, but he did not get any further, because when he opened his mouth, the stick came and the poor turtte fett to the ground. Adapted from http:bos-sutap.btogspot.com201107narrative-text-duck-and- turtte.htmt