Revision I The Descriptions of the Respondents

, 8 3 ++ = 2 7 - 9 6 4 9 6 4 , 4 5 7 -..1 ? , ++ 4 9+ 6 4 -.. 9 9 6 4 -.. ++ 1. Berapa kali dalam seminggu pelajaran bahasa Inggris diberikan? 2. Bagaimana dengan pembagian waktu untuk , , and ? 3. Menurut Anda, bagaimana motivasi dan kemampuan siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris khususnya atau kemampuan mendengarkan? 4. Bagaimana tanggapan atau pendapat siswa mengenai kegiatan comprehension? 5. Kendala apa saja yang dihadapi siswa ketika melakukan kegiatan ? 6. Apakah dalam menyampaikan materi , Anda menggunakan strategi mengajar tertentu? Jika ya, apa yang telah Anda gunakan? 7. Apakah Anda meminta siswa Anda untuk menghubungkan topik yang akan dibahas dengan pengalaman sehari+hari? 8. Dalam strategi mengajar yang Anda terapkan, apakah Anda meminta siswa untuk melakukan kegiatan refleksi terhadap apa yang sudah mereka dapat? 9. Apakah Anda meminta para siswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan ataupun segala hal yang telah mereka dapatkan dalam tindakan nyata yang akan mereka lakukan dalam kehidupan sehari+hari? 10. Di akhir pembelajaran apakah Anda mengadakan evaluasi? Seperti apa? Bagaimana itu dilaksanakan? 11. Menurut Anda bagaimana pencapaian belajar siswa dalam penggunakaan strategi yang selama ini Anda terapkan? Apakah ada kesulitan? 12. Bagaimana gambaran keseluruhan aktivitas mengajar yang biasa Anda lakukan? 13. Bagiamana kemampuan siswa Anda yang berkaitan dengan skill ? Date of interview : March 21 st , 2012 Respondent : The eighth grade English teacher of 1. There are 19 meetings in a week for seven classes of eighth grade students of . The total contact hour in a week is 28 contact hours. 2. The time allotment for teaching each skill listening, speaking, reading and writing is not equal. The teacher uses integrated way in teaching the language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, there is no meeting which is specifically prepared to teach the language skills. 3. Generally, the students are active and proactive in following the class. They feel excited at learning English. However, the students may feel bored if the classroom activities are monotonous. In listening part, the students are interested in following the listening activities, but they have difficulty in listening to the native speakers. They think that native speakers tend to speak fast and it makes the students have difficulties in catching what the speakers say. It is because of the speed of the speaker and unclear voice. 4. The students feel excited about the listening comprehension. They are able to do the exercises given by the teacher. They prefer to do the exercises which require them to answer in a short way, for example True or False. 5. The students have difficulty in receiving and understanding the information they hear, especially if the text is quite long. They are not accustomed to listening a long passage or story and also listening to the native speakers. 6. Since the school does not have listening materials, the teacher usually use her own voice to have listening activity. The teacher will read a text, a conversation or a short story and then the students have to pay attention on it. After that the students are asked to answer some questions related to the text being listened. In teaching listening, the methods usually applied by the teacher are Communicative Language Teaching and Total Physical Response. The teacher applies Communicative Language Teaching in order to motivate the students to be more active in speaking English. 7. At the beginning of the lesson the teacher usually asks some questions to the students which are related to their daily life. It aims to give a brainstorming before the students learn further about the topic.