Method and technique of collecting data

The data was taken from conversation occurring between woman in the novel of ”Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. By using the theory of politeness maxims proposed by Geoffrey Leech 1983 and politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson 1978, she analyzed the type of utterance of the speaker in talking to the hearer. In this study she found the use of five politeness maxims and four politeness strategies applied in the utterance of woman characters in the novel. The woman in the novel used two bald on record strategies, nine of positive politeness strategies; a notice, b attend to H his interest, wants, needs, good, c exaggerate interest, approval, sympathy with H, d use in group identity markers, e seek agreement, f assert or presuppose S’s knowledge of and concern for H’s wants, g offers or promise, h be optimistic, i give or ask for reasons. In term of the negative politeness strategy there were four strategies found, those are; a be conventionally indirect, b hedge, c be pessimistic, d apologize. And in term of record strategy, there were only found three strategies found, they are; a use tautologies, b be ironic, and c be ambiguous. In this study the discussion is not only female characters but also focus on negative politeness strategy used by the all characters. Meikasari 2002 also did a research in politeness. Her study is entitled “Positive Politeness Strategies in Verbal Communication in a drama “Gaucho” by Gloria Gonzalez. The study is mainly aimed at investigating the use of positive politeness strategies by the author in written text, particularly a drama entitled Gaucho. The concept of politeness strategies applied in this study is proposed by Brown and Levinson 1978. Scollon’s theory about face solidarity system is also applied to analyze the concept of solidarity. The finding s of this study showed that in general, the drama was full of positive politeness strategies. The characters applied those strategies in order to show solidarity or intimacy or to get closer to each other by reducing social distance and social power between them. On the other hand, the similarity between my study and