The Procedure of Data Analysis

3.2. Data Analysis Method

According to Malo in Lubis, 2002: 28, to make researcher easier in analyzing data, the data should be made simpler by classifying and categorizing the data. Having classified and categorized the data, the data will be analyzed by using error analysis method.

3.2.1. The Procedure of Data Analysis

There are some procedures in doing the analysis of data. Firstly, collecting the data which to be analyzed. Secondly, identifying and analyzed the errors made by the students by circling the errors. Thirdly, classifying the errors produced, whether it is the error of do do, does, did; have have, has, had, and be is, am, are, was, were. The next step is to tabulate the errors. Tabulating the errors including count the errors, put the errors into the tables based on the classification of errors, and count the percentage of the errors. To count the errors in percentage, the analysis also uses the formula of Bungin, 2005:171-172.The formula is: 100 x N fx n = Notes: n stands for the percentage of errors fx stands for the total errors frequency of the sub-category N stands for the total errors of all categories Universitas Sumatera Utara Having count the percentage of errors, then analyzing the errors based on the classification or types of each error and also based on the mixing of errors is made; and finally, by looking up the results of the analysis, next steps is drawing some conclusions. Universitas Sumatera Utara


In the preceding chapter, the procedures in doing the analysis of data have been mentioned clearly. Besides, some of those procedures have been done well and periodically beginning from collecting the data, correcting the data, and identifying the errors produced by circling that error. The results of the analysis of data or the findings are as follows:

4.1. Classification of Errors

Having identified the errors by circling them, all the data were classified according to their kinds of error: errors in using do auxiliaries do, does, did, errors in using have auxiliaries have, has, had, errors in using and be auxiliaries is, am, are, was, were.The following table is the data achieved from the test: No. Type of errors Numbers 1. Do Do 237 Does 217 Did 182 Total of errors 636 2. Have Have 233 Has 247 Had 61 Universitas Sumatera Utara