Population Instrument of Collecting Data


3.1. Method of Research

There are three kinds of research based on the location of the research i.e. library, laboratory, and field research Bungin, 2005:40-41. In writing this thesis, field research is applied. The research has been done to the ninth year students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ulum Medan that is located on Jl. Amaliun Gg.Johar No.21 Medan. This institution consists of some degree from the Kindergarten School until Senior High School. In this analysis, The research is limited only to the ninth year students or the 3 rd grade of Junior High School students. The total of ninth year students here are about 92 students. They are divided into 3 classes.

3.1.1. Population

In doing the research, the data was collected from all the ninth year students who act as the respondents of the research; it is about ninety two students. Actually, the term respondents is not suitable used in the case of language research but finally it is acceptable for it has a similar function with the term respondent in the case of social research. It has a function to give the data which must be analyzed. In collecting the data, this thesis applied observation method and used test technique by testing the respondents. Population is a group of individuals or items to be studied. The population of a research can be people, social, phenomenon language and any other things, which may be relevant to the study Arikunto, 2006:130. In this case, the population of the Universitas Sumatera Utara research came from all the questions 40 times all responders 92. So the total population is 3680 sentences. The populations of the research are all the items of errors are made by the respondents for each type of errors. It means that the populations are real based on what items of errors are made.

3.1.2. Instrument of Collecting Data

The instrument of collecting data is such devices which used by the researcher in collecting data in order the research to be systematic and easier to do. In this research, the instrument of collecting data is the test that is arranged by the researcher Arikunto, 2006:150. The test consists of 40 sentences which relate to auxiliary verbs. The test is divided into four sections A, B, C, and D. Section A consists of 10 questions which formed in True-False choices question no. 1-10. Section B consists of 10 questions which formed in matching system question no. 11-20. Section C the questions no.21-30 is formed in multiple choice system. Then the last part, Section D the questions no.31-40 is formed in Essay test. This test is arranged in that form in order to make variation for the students in answering the test. Beside that, the form of the test also is adapted from the text book of Curriculum for 9 th year students. The students are given the test having to answer it in 60 minutes. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2. Data Analysis Method