Slang in Art Slang in Publicity Society Slang

13 c. 7UDGHVPHQ¶VIRUFKHPLVWµ6\UXS¶PHDQVPRQH\ d. 7UDGHVPHQ¶V VODQJ IRU EXLOGHUV µODQQHO MDFNHW¶ PHDQV WKH QDYY\ RQ heavy work has so long and so unexceptionally worn flannel.

5. Slang in Art

Slang in art emerges in seventeenth century, it quickly adopted by society. Moreover, it is considerable difficult than other slang terms, the meaning is hard to be guessed even in the present day. Here are several examples: a. Walled means same as hung, which, to some extent, it displaced. b. XQLRQ\ PHDQV VKRZLQJ LQ RQH¶V SDLQWing, a very marked tendency to lumpiness of outline. c. Crocks mean ornamental China.

6. Slang in Publicity

This type of slang is often used for commerce, because much of modern commerce depends on publicity, a firms needs the catchy phrase or rhymes that can impress the public. Here are several examples: a. Sunlight means soap. b. :RUWKDJXLQHDDER[PHDQVHHFKDP¶VSLOOV c. Glaxo baby means a plump and healthy child. 14

7. Society Slang

The transition from University to society is as linguistically as it actually natural, for although a university education constitutes neither a passport to good society nor a guarantee of genuine culture it goes some distance in both directions. The centre of the universe is a society, now society is ever in search of novelty and it is a limited body of well-to-do women and men of leisure. For these persons, there arises a kind of special vocabulary, which is constantly changing with changing fashion. There is much slang in the colloquial speech of society, most of words soon disappear, but a considerable number of them make good their place in ordinary speech. Moreover, slang in society shows a joyously or jauntily over the REMHFWDQGWKHSUDFWLFHRIWKHVODQJVWHU¶VRZQFDOOLQJ6LQFHWKHZDUVRFLHW\KDV become less walled-in, less snobbish, less clannish, so the speech is being fertilized more and more with technical terms and more importantly, with colloquial and slangy terms from the world of commerce and manual work, such as journalism, art, etc. In short, from life it is lived, not life as it is permitted by a FRPIRUWDEOH LQFRPH QRW OLIH LQ ZKLFK DWWHQWLRQ QHHG WR EH SDLG RQO\ WR RQH¶V social equals. Here are examples of the society slang: a. Cyrano means a huge nose. b. Rothschild means a very rich man. c. Get the morbs means to become temporarily melancholic. d. 7KRX¶PHDQVDWKRXVDQGSRXQGVterling. 15

8. Slang of Commerce