The Definitions of Slang



In this chapter, the writer would like to describe the definitions of slang; history of slang; kinds of slang; reasons of using slang, understanding Standard English; introduction to movie.

A. The Definitions of Slang

After reading some sources, the writer finds several definitions of slang in general and the writer will try to describe about theories of slang proposed by linguist, as follows. According to Pei and Gaynor ³6ODQJ LV D VW\OH RI ODQJXDJH LQ IDLQWO\ common use, produced by popular adaptation and extension of the meaning of existing words and by coining new words with disregard for scholastic standard and linguistic principles of the formation of words; JHQHUDOO\SHFXOLDUWRFHUWDLQFODVVHVDQGVRFLDORUDJHJURXSV´ 6 Slang is non-standard English that has experienced adaptation and extension of the meaning aspect, on the other hand slang words consist of existing vocabulary, but sometimes it consists of new words, such as matey and leccer. In history of slang, it can be seen that slang develop and change rapidly in every single decade. Early slang only used by criminals or vagabonds but today slang used by everyone wants to create something different and fresh, especially young people. As Willis Said that: ³RUWKHPRVWSDUWVODQJLVUHVXOWRIOLQJXLVWLFLQYHQWLYHQHVVHspecially of young and lively persons who want fresh, original pungent or racy terms 6 A. Chaedar Awasilah, Sosiologi Bahasa, Bandung: Angkasa Bandung, 1985, p. 57 8 with which they can rename ideas, action, and objects that they feel strongly about. In effect slang is the result of a combination of linguistic irreverence and a reaction against staid, stuffy, pompous, pretentious, or FRORXUOHVVGLFWLRQ´ 7 Moreover, slang used not only represent excitement, jokes but also be used by person in every grade of life. The uniqueness of slang, it changes like a fashion, when it is trend, everyone will use it. John Camden Hotten said: ³7KDW VODQJ UHSUHVHQWV WKH HYDQHVFHQW YXOJDU ODQJXDJH HYHU FKDQJLQJ with fashion and taste, spoken by person in every grade of life, rich and poor, honest and dishonest. Slang is indulged in form a desire to appear familiar with life, gaiety, town-humour, and with the transient nick names and street jokes of the day. Slang is the language of street humour, of fast, high and low life. Slang is as old as speech and congregating together of the people in cities. It is the result of crowding, excitement, and artificial OLIH´ 8 Based on those definitions above, the writer knows that every linguist has different perspective about the meaning of slang. However, the writer is able to conclude that slang represents vulgar language used by person in every grade of life, it is the result of inventiveness by the young and attractive people who want new something fresh and it is non-standard language that carries connotations and overtones of irreverence, cynicism, and humour.

B. The History of Slang