Fuck Buck God damn The setting is in a car, Richie and Jay are peering over their target and

32 From the quoted conversation above, the slang terms asshole means the ³anus´, this meaning is utilized by 17¶V LFWLRQDU\ RI PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG Colloquial expressions 3 rd Edition. From this description the writer assumes that Richie uses this word to expresses his anger, because Campizi tries to hide the information Richie needs. Then the writer categorizes this slang term into society slang because it has characteristics such as rude meaning, it is used often used in daily communication, especially for expressing anger. It is said by John Camden Hotten DVVHO¶V LFWLRQDU\ RI 6ODQJ, he mentions that slang represents vulgar ODQJXDJH7KHZRUG³DVVKROH´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG

1.3 Fuck

The setting is in a room, this word said by Richie when he and Jay his partner interrogate Campizi, below are the quoted conversation: ³-D\Were on loan to County. Campizi: Hows that working out for you? Richie: Hey, fuck you.´ 39 From the quoted conversatuion above, the word fuck means to copulate with someone, this meaning is utilized by 17¶VLFWLRQDU\RIPHULFDQ6ODQJ and Colloquial expressions 3 rd Edition. After analyzing it, the writer categorizes the slang terms fuck into society slang because this word has characteristics such as rude meaning and it is often used in daily conversation. The writer thinks that Richie is unhappy with DPSL]L¶V ZRUGs, so he expresses his anger by saying ³IXFN\RX´DQGWKHZRUG³IXFN´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG 39 Ibid, p. 8. 33

1.4 Buck

The setting is in a car, Richie and Jay are arguing about another cop who getting a lot of money from drugs syndicate business, below are the quoted conversation: ³-D\,W¶VQRWMXVWa couple of bucks, all right? ,W¶VWKHVDPHWKLQJLQSULQFLSOH Richie: Oh, are we talking principles? Jay: Richie,a cop who turns in this kind of money, says one thing. He turns in FRSVZKRWDNHPRQH\:H¶OOEHIXFNLQJSDULDKV´ 40 From the quoted conversatuion above, the word buck means a dollar, this meaning is utilized by 17¶VLFWLRQDU\RI PHULFDQ6ODQJDQGROORTXLDO expressions 3 rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is used in society for informal occasion. In this situation Jay tries to assure Richie in order to he does not bring big money that found to office. Therefore, the writer thinks that Jay uses this word to express his disappointment WRZDUG5LFKLHEHFDXVH5LFKLHZLOOQRWDJUHHZLWK-D\¶VRSLQLRQ.

1.5 God damn The setting is in a car, Richie and Jay are peering over their target and

Richie are sharing to Jay about his curiousity that there is a cop who involved with drug healer syndicate DIWHUWKH\IRXQGDORWRIPRQH\IURPWKHFRS¶VFDU. ³5LFKLHIts not just a couple of bucks, all right? Jay : Its the same thing in principle Richie : Oh, are we talking principles? Jay : Richie, a cop who turns in this kind of money, says one thing. He turns in cops who take money.Well be fucking pariahs. Richie : Yeah, well, then were fucked both ways 40 Ibid, p. 11. 34 Jay : Not if we keep it. Only if we dont, then youre right, were fucked.But not if we keep it. God damn it, man Did we ask for this?´ 41 The conversation happens in a car when Richie and Jay are arguing working of a cop whose dishonest, because that cop involved with drugs syndicateQG-D\¶VRSLQLRQRSRVLWHVZLWK5LFKLHDQGKHVDLGgod damn, it means damn. This meaning is utilized by Random House Historical Volume I A-G. This slang terms includes into society slang, it is rude meaning. The writer thinks that Jay uses this slang to express his blaming and accusing, because Jay thinks that every single cop is not an idealist and they want to get a lot of money.

1.6 What the hell