Shit Asshole Society Slang


1.1 Shit

The setting on the street, this word said by Bumpy he is the boss of JDQJVWHU KH WDONV ZLWK UDQN KH LV XPS\¶V ERG\JXDUG ZKLOH ORRNLQJ DURXQG the store on the side of street. ³XPS\Wheres the pride of ownership, huh? Wheres the personal service? You see what I mean? Shit . I mean, what right do they have of cutting out the suppliers, pushing out all the middlemen,buying direct from the manufacturer? Sony this, Toshiba that.´ 37 From the quoted conversation above, the word shit means dung, this meaning is XWLOL]HG E\ 17¶V Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial expressions 3 rd Edition. Then the writer assumes this slang terms as society slang because this word is closely related with the society slang. Bumpy uses this slang terms to show that things belong to a certain group, it refers to several electronic things come from out of United States such as Japan and China.

1.2 Asshole

7KH VHWWLQJ WDNHV DPSL]L¶V IODW Whis word used by Richie he is a detective when Richie tries to arrest Cmpizi for interrogating because Richie thinks that Campizi can give the important information about his target. Below are the quoted conversation: ³5LFKLHYoure supposed to be my friend, asshole Campizi: I swear to God, Richie,I didnt know it was you. I would never slam a door on your hand, knowingly.´ 38 37 http:www.script-o-rama.commovie_scriptsaamerican-gangster-script-transcript , op. cit, p. 2. 38 Ibid, p. 8. 32 From the quoted conversation above, the slang terms asshole means the ³anus´, this meaning is utilized by 17¶V LFWLRQDU\ RI PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG Colloquial expressions 3 rd Edition. From this description the writer assumes that Richie uses this word to expresses his anger, because Campizi tries to hide the information Richie needs. Then the writer categorizes this slang term into society slang because it has characteristics such as rude meaning, it is used often used in daily communication, especially for expressing anger. It is said by John Camden Hotten DVVHO¶V LFWLRQDU\ RI 6ODQJ, he mentions that slang represents vulgar ODQJXDJH7KHZRUG³DVVKROH´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG

1.3 Fuck