A. Previous Research

There are some previous researches which related to this research. The first is the research about discourse conversation analysis on TV one’s debates by Amir Mustofa 2010 from Sebelas Maret University Surakarta on the title “Analisis Wacana Percakapan Debat Tv One”. The results of Amir Mustofa’s research are: the speech event TV One debate has the characteristics of turn taking, finding 8 adjancy pairs in the object of his research, and occurring divergence in conversation such as interruption and overlaps. 1 The differences between this research and Amir Mustofa’s research are on the theory, corpus and objects which were analyzed. The second is the research about Conversation Analysis on The Kingdom’s movie script by Lia Lestari Mulya Diana from Widyatama University Bandung entitled “Analisis Percakapan pada Naskah Film The Kingdom Kajian Pragmatik 2008. The results of Lia L estari’s research are the conversation of The Kingdom ’s movie script is uncommon has a low complexity level and also there are quite numbers of violation over maxim of conversation especially of maxim of relation. 2 In her research described the kinds of adjancy pairs and find weather there are any violations over maxim of conversation in it. The difference 1 Amir Mustofa, 2010, “ Analisis Wacana Percakapan Debat TV One”, Unpublished Thesis. Surakarta : Sebelas Maret University . 2 Lia Lestari Mulya Diana, 2008, “ Analisis Percakapan pada Naskah Film The Kingdom”, Unpublished Thesis Bandung : Widyatama University. between this research and Lia Lestari’s research is the theory, corpus and focused of the research. The third is a the sis from Universitas Indonesia’s Student, Maria Margaretha Tika Larasati Guritno. Her thesis entitled “Analisis Percakapan Tiga Sahabat Wanita Bilingual di Jakarta” 2008. The purpose of her research is to investigate the way in which they develop and maintain verbal interactions between each other by studying their conversational characteristics including the use more than one language, code switching and sequential organization which appears in the conversation. 3 The differences between this research and Maria’s research is on combining code mixing and sequential organization. This research focused on turn taking mechanism and there is no combining as Maria did. The fourth is the research about conversation analysis with object in tv talk show, by the title “ Conversation of Overlaps in Talk show, Conversation with Michael Eisner” 2008 by Martha Yoriza Handayani from Andalas University Padang. 4 The differences of the research is Martha’s research focuses on only overlaps in conversation and using theory according to Levinson, Jefferson, Sack et al and Yule. In another case, this research differs from Martha’s research. This research focuses on turn takin g mechanism and analysis is deeper than Martha’s one. 3 Maria Margaretha Tika Larasati Guritno, 2008, “Analisis Percakapan Tiga Sahabat Wanita Bilingual di Jakarta ”, Unpublished Thesis Depok : Indonesia University. 4 Martha Yoriza Handayani, 2008, “Conversation Analysis of Overlaps in Talk show Conversation with Michael Eisner ”, Unpublished Thesis Padang : Andalas University.

B. Concept.