The Assassination Of The Pope In Dan Brown’s Novel “Angels And Demons”




BY :




MEDAN 2013


It has been proved by


Dra. Hartisari, M.A

NIP. 19580330198303 2002

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Diploma (D-III) in English

Approved by

Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. NIP. 19521126198112 1001

Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

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Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013197603 1001

Board of Examiners : Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP)

2. Dra. Hartisari, M.A (Supervisor)



I am, JOHANA LAURA HARANY, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

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Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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Signed :



The title of this paper is "The Assassination of Pope in Dan Brown's novel “Angels and Demons”. This paper discusses about the assassination. The assassination is a very cruel deed which is against the law. It is especially if it happens to the pope. A pope is regarded as a holy man and the vicar of Christ. The novel gives emphasis to the assassination which involves the illuminati— a secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years, reborn to continue their deadly vendetta against their most hated enemy, the Catholic church. The illuminati kills brutally his victims a chest by using the mysterious symbols seared onto the victim’s chest. The symbols are regarded as the ancient elements of science namely Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The purpose of writing this paper is to show some unthinkable person to be the main master of murder who is capable of organizing the crime happening in church. The writer uses library research methods to collect data from several books related to the topic and collect data using the Internet media. In conclusion the writer concluded that the murder is an act that is not good and against the law. Because assassination is an activity done by a person to kill someone or someone who has the intention to take the life of others. Moreover, the assassination is done on the basis of bad thing and wants to revenge in the name of religion.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Assassination of Pope in Dan Brown’s novel “Angels and Demons”. Kertas karya ini membahas tentang pembunuhan. Pembunuhan adalah perbuatan yang sangat kejam yang melawan hukum. Hal ini terutama terjadi kepada Paus. Seorang Paus dianggap sebagai orang suci dan wakil Kristus. Penulisan kertas karya ini memberikan penekanan terhadap pembunuhan yang melibatkan Illuminati- kelompok persaudaraan rahasia yang dianggap telah punah selama hampir empat ratus tahun, terlahir kembali untuk melanjutkan dendam mematikan mereka terhadap musuh yang paling dibenci mereka yaitu gereja Katolik. Illuminati membunuh secara kejam para korbannya dengan menggunakan simbol-simbol misterius menggunakan cap ke dada korban. Simbol yang dianggap sebagai unsur ilmu kuno yaitu Bumi, Air, Api dan Air. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk menunjukkan seorang pembunuh yang melakukan suatu pembunuhan terorganisir yang terjadi di gereja. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan untuk mengumpulkan data dari beberapa buku yang terkait dengan topik dan mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan media internet. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pembunuhan merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak baik dan melawan hukum. Karena pembunuhan adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang untuk membunuh seseorang atau seseorang yang memiliki niat untuk mengambil nyawa orang lain. Terlebih lagi, pembunuhan itu dilakukan atas dasar buruk dan ingin membalas dendam atas nama agama.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God Jesus Christ for blessing and giving me opportunity, health, and ability to accomplish this paper. I would like to thank to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M. A. as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies. Then, I would like to thank to Dr. Matius C. A. Sembiring, M. A., the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who has shared his time to guide me in the process of my study. I would like to dedicate a deep gratitude to my supervisor, Dra. Hartisari M.A and my reader, for the valuable time to give the correct and give constructive criticisms in completing this paper. Then, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for their valuable guidance and knowledges that they have gave to me during my study.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father, Alm. Ir. Arnold Parlindungan Tampubolon and my mother, Martua Marpaung S.T who have given me love, cares, advices, supports, and always pray for me in order to get my best. To my beloved younger brother, Mikhael Febriano Tampubolon thanks for the cares and motivations that you have given to me. Special thanks to kak Susi Simanjuntak , kak Agreny and kak Zahra for your advices, and motivations which you have given during my study.

Then to my friends at English Diploma III 2008, Ivo , Diah, Apriana, Feni Maria, Norvika, Christine Magdalena, Christine Pauline, Vany , Joan and the others friends in class A and B, thank you very much for all of you, for your attention and support to me.


Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive criticisms and suggestions towards to this paper.


The writer,

Johana Laura Harany Reg. No. 102202005





ABSTRACT ………. iii

ABSTRAK ....……… iv




Background the Study………


1.2. Problem of the Study ………. 2

1.3. The Scope of the Study ……….. 2

1.4. Objective of Study ………. 3

1.5. Reason for choosing this paper………... 3

1.6.The Method of Research ………. 3


3. THE MEANING OF ASSASSINATION AND POPE 3.1.Assassination 3.1.1. Definition of Assassination ……….. 7

3.1.2. Kinds of Assassination ………. 7

3.1.3. The elements of Assassination ………. 9

3.2. A Pope 3.2.1. Definition of Pope ………. 10

3.2.2. The duties of Pope ……… 10


4.2.The name of murders 4.2.1. Carlo Ventresca (Camerlengo) ………. 21

4.2.2. The Hassasin ………. 21

4.3.The motive of Assassination 4.3.1. To Revenge ……….... 22

4.3.2. To Protect the Church ……….... 23

5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1.Conclusions ………. 24

5.2.Suggestions ……….. 25 REFERENCES



The title of this paper is "The Assassination of Pope in Dan Brown's novel “Angels and Demons”. This paper discusses about the assassination. The assassination is a very cruel deed which is against the law. It is especially if it happens to the pope. A pope is regarded as a holy man and the vicar of Christ. The novel gives emphasis to the assassination which involves the illuminati— a secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years, reborn to continue their deadly vendetta against their most hated enemy, the Catholic church. The illuminati kills brutally his victims a chest by using the mysterious symbols seared onto the victim’s chest. The symbols are regarded as the ancient elements of science namely Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The purpose of writing this paper is to show some unthinkable person to be the main master of murder who is capable of organizing the crime happening in church. The writer uses library research methods to collect data from several books related to the topic and collect data using the Internet media. In conclusion the writer concluded that the murder is an act that is not good and against the law. Because assassination is an activity done by a person to kill someone or someone who has the intention to take the life of others. Moreover, the assassination is done on the basis of bad thing and wants to revenge in the name of religion.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Assassination of Pope in Dan Brown’s novel “Angels and Demons”. Kertas karya ini membahas tentang pembunuhan. Pembunuhan adalah perbuatan yang sangat kejam yang melawan hukum. Hal ini terutama terjadi kepada Paus. Seorang Paus dianggap sebagai orang suci dan wakil Kristus. Penulisan kertas karya ini memberikan penekanan terhadap pembunuhan yang melibatkan Illuminati- kelompok persaudaraan rahasia yang dianggap telah punah selama hampir empat ratus tahun, terlahir kembali untuk melanjutkan dendam mematikan mereka terhadap musuh yang paling dibenci mereka yaitu gereja Katolik. Illuminati membunuh secara kejam para korbannya dengan menggunakan simbol-simbol misterius menggunakan cap ke dada korban. Simbol yang dianggap sebagai unsur ilmu kuno yaitu Bumi, Air, Api dan Air. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk menunjukkan seorang pembunuh yang melakukan suatu pembunuhan terorganisir yang terjadi di gereja. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan untuk mengumpulkan data dari beberapa buku yang terkait dengan topik dan mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan media internet. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pembunuhan merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak baik dan melawan hukum. Karena pembunuhan adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang untuk membunuh seseorang atau seseorang yang memiliki niat untuk mengambil nyawa orang lain. Terlebih lagi, pembunuhan itu dilakukan atas dasar buruk dan ingin membalas dendam atas nama agama.



1.1.The Background of the Study

Assassination is an act of killing someone for the way that is unlawful, or which is against the law. It is the murder of a prominent person by a surprise attack, usually for payment. It is usually motivated by a variety of motives, such as politics, jealousy, revenge, self-defense, and so on. It can be done in many ways. For example, by shooting a person using different kinds of weapons, by exploding using bombs. A person who commits such an act is called an assassin. The assassins may carry out the assassination for the prospect of financial gain, for avenge of agrievance, or for the desire to acquire fame or notoriety. The term of assassination is thought to be derived from the Arabic language "Hashish", a member of secret terrorist sect of Moeslems of the 11th – 13th Century, said to have been used by Hasan-And-Sabah to induce motivation his followers, who are assigned to carry out political and other murders, usually at the cost of their lives.

Assassination usually describe about the planned killing of a person who is not under the legal jurisdiction of the killer, who is not physically in the hands of the killer, who has been selected by a resistance organization for death, and whose death provides positive advantages to that organization. Murder is not morally justifiable. For example, killing a Pope is not more morally justifiable. It shocks the world, because the Pope is the bishop of worldwide daily work entrusted to a number of state agencies as well as individuals, who maintains Vatican relations with the outside world and produce decisions that


will affect the lives of 1.2 billion Catholics around the world. In the Catholic church, the Pope is regarded as the successor of

Concerning with my writing topic “The assassination of Pope in Dan Brown’s novel” is a fictional novel, the writer would like to explore thoroughly the discussion about the assassination of Pope and an ancient secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years, reborn to continue their deadly vendetta against their most hates enemy, the Catholic church.

1.2.The Problem

The problem is how to find the reason why the killers kill the Pope and how they kill him.

1.3.The Scope of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer tries to limit her scope by showing the relations between the assassination case and the reasons the Pope killed.

1.4.Objective of Study

The purpose of study as the following are: 1. To know what are the motives to kill the Pope. 2. To find out who kill the Pope.

3. To find out why the killers kill the Pope. 4. To know how the killers murder the Pope. 1.5. Reason for Choosing the Topic

The writer chooses the novel “Angels and Demons” as her topic because :

1. The Pope is the bishop of Rome and head of church who is killed by a


2. The story is taken from the best seller’s novel.

3. The novel has an inquistive topic which makes the writer eager to know. 4. The novel describes about the assassination of the Pope which is planned

by the Pope’s reliable.

1.6 The Method of Study

The writer uses library research that is done by collecting data from some books related to the topic. The sources of data are Dan Brown’s novel Angels and Demons.



Fananie (2000:6) says, “Literature is a fiction that are created based on emotion spontaneously capable of expressing the ability aspects of beauty are both based aspects of language and aspects of meaning”. This human capable of presenting creative ideas and life experiences with literary art form. The form of literary content of thoughts, feelings, experiences, ideas, beliefs and spirit of others.

Merriam (2011) says, “Writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest”. Literature is writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. Literature in the sense drama, poems, and novel has something different.

According to English Dictionary, “Novel is a prose containing a series of one’s life story with those around him, to accentuate the character and nature of every culprit”. There are two important elements. There are intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements.

According to The Department of Education and Culture (1989:618) , “The novel is a long essay in prose and contains a series of stories of one’s life with others around him to accentuate the character and nature of each actor”.

Meanwhile, Jassin in Zulfahnur (1996:67) says that novel tells extraordinary occurrence of characters, where the events that lead to inner turmoil that changed the course of the fate of the characters.


According to M.v.T (1998) says, “Crime (rechtdeliten) is the act which, though not specified in the law, as a criminal act, has been perceived as a onrecht as an act as opposed to the rule of law”.

According to Bemmelem (Hussein, 2003) says, “ Criminality is a crime anti-social acts that cause harm, misbehavior in public, so that there is anxiety in the community, and to appease the public, the State shall execute judgments against criminals”.

Wahbah Zuhali ( 1989: 217) says, “Assassination is the act of eliminating or kill someone” . Definition of such killings is understood that the murder was not a crime classified whether done intentionally, or unintentionally and intentionally or semi. It means that nothing is exempt under criminal charges for criminal the assassination perpetrators. From the proposed definition, the assassination can be classified on deliberate murder, murder was not intentional and deliberate killing of spring”.

Zainuddin Ali (2007: 24) says, “The assassination is a deliberate act committed by a person in order to kill others by using equipment that is deemed worthy of killing”.

Sayid Sabiq (1980: 435) says, “Intentionally the assassination is a murder committed by a mukalaf intentionally taking the life of others who is guaranteed his safety, using powerful tools that supposedly can kill (turn it off)”.

In R v Janjua and Choudury (1998) say, “A young man was stabbed to death with the five-and-a-half inch blade of a knife.”



3.1 Assassination

3.1.1. Definition of Assassination

Assassination is an activity done by someone or several people who cause someone or several people died. The clergy defines assassination by a human act that causes loss of life. It is also an act of taking the life another person and intentionally or unintentionaly . Someone who does this act of murder is called a killer.

3.1.2. Kinds of Assassination

There are two kinds of killing, namely : 1. The Intentional Killing

The intentional killing is a kind of murder which is done intentionally to take someone’s life. For example, to point the gun to someone’s neck and to poison someone with destructive liquid.

The intentional killing can be illustrated by using the picture as follows. 1) To point the gun to someone’s neck

(This picture illustrates the murder who wants to shoot the woman. He snares the woman’s neck and points the gun towards to her)


2) To poison someone with destructive liquid

(This picture illustrates that the bottle with an emblem to indicate that the content of the bottle is poisonous and the hand shows that the person is died).

2. The Unintentional Killing

The unintentional killing is a kind of murder which is done unintentional to take someone’s life. For example, to hit someone’s head on a door which causes a person dies and to strike someone by vehicle which causes a person dies.

The unintentional killing can be illustrated by using the picture as follows 1) To hit someone’s head on a door which causes a person dies

(This picture illustrates that someone hit the man’s head on the wall) 2) To strike someone by vehicle which causes a person dies.


(A victim and a motorcycle are lying on the highway. The victim is a victim of the crash from a large truck that is right in front of the victim)

3.1.3. The elements of Assassination

The elements of assassination are divided into two elements. They are intentional elements and unintentionally elements.

A. The Intentional Elements :

The intentional elements are elements that happen if the people commit the intentional killing. The elements are :

1. The victims.

2. The deed which causes to death.

3. The intention of the doer causes loss of life. B. The Unintentional Elements :

The unintentional elements are elements that happen if the people commit the unintentional killing. The elements are :

1. The victims.

2. The deed which causes to death.


3.2. A Pope

3.2.1. Definition of Pope

The word of pope is papa in Old English and Middle English while ecclesiastical jurisdiction (the Holy) is another word for pope comes from Late Latin (LL) and Classical Greek (Gr).

The pope is the bishop of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic church. In the Catholic church, the pope is regarded as the successor of Saint Peter, the Apostle. Catholics believe that the pope is the Vicar of Christ, who has been appointed by God to spread the gospel in all the Catholics .Beside as his position as the bishop of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic church, the pope is also the head and the Independent and Sovereign of Vatican City in which is a city-state is entirely surrounded by the city of Rome, the capital of the Italian State.

3.2.2. The Duties of Pope

As the bishop of Rome, the head of the Catholic church and the head of the Vatican state, the pope has some duties. Those duties can be described as follows.

a) He must meet and discuss any political and religious cases with one of the head of states which join the Vatican State every day.

b) He must perform the liturgy, appoint a new bishop, and do the task of traveling.


c) He must perform the closed Mass ceremony which is attended by household staff.

d) He must give the main liturgy in annual Christian festival day such as Easter at the Cathedral St. Peter in Rome or other places.

e) He must greet the pilgrims from all over the world to conduct religious act at least two days a week.

f) He must meet the bishop and political leaders from around the world at least once every five years - about 20 a week.

The above duties can be illustrated by showing some pictures as follows respectively :

a) He must meet and discuss any political and religious cases with one of the head of states which join the Vatican State every day.

The American president, Barack Obama said he and his wife, Michelle, to express our appreciation and prayers for the Pope (Picture 1)


A Pope (Benedict XVI) meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (left) in the library of the Apostolic Palace (Picture 2)

b) He must perform the liturgy, appoint a new bishop, and do the task of traveling.

A Pope (Benedict XVI) has appointed Mgr Pujasumarta appointed be a bishop (Picture 3)


c) He must perform the closed Mass ceremony which is attended by household staff.

A pope performes the closed Mass ceremony with 115 cardinals in Sistine Chapel (Picture 4)

d) He must give the main liturgy in annual Christian festival day such as

Easter at the Cathedral St. Peter in Rome or other places.

A Pope (Francis) leads the Easter Mass first as leader of 1.2 billion Catholics (Picture 5)


A Pope (Benedict XVI) Christmas Eve Mass procession in St. Peter's Basilica (Saint Peters Basilica), Vatican City (Picture 6)

e) He must greet the pilgrims from all over the world to conduct religious act at least two days a week

A Pope Benedict XVI held a Mass in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City and greet visitors (those who make pilgrimages) in that place (Picture 7)


f) He must meet the bishop and political leaders from around the world at least once every five years - about 20 a week

A Pope (Francis) meets with representatives of the major religions of the world in a private audience at Vatican City (Picture 8)

Francis Pope gifts exchanged with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby during a meeting in the Vatican (Picture 9)



4.1. Assassination

The assassination which occurs in the novel is a murder carried out in a related series by one of the member of secret terrorists. The group of secret terrorists are the Hassassin, the Knights Templar and the Armies.

There are five events involved in the assassination of the pope which is organized by the group of secret terrorist.

The first event is to kill the pope who is performed by a camerlengo, a cardinal who has charge of the papal treasury and accounts. The camerlengo is the cardinal who is against the pope to make or to add the new rule which never happens before in the church. He tries to talk about the case but the pope keeps consistent with his new rule. Then they quarrel to each other. The quarrel can be seen from one of the following conversation about the Vatican fund Vetra’s work as a gesture of goodwill toward spiritually based scientific research.

Madness! The church investing in research that threatened to make the church obsolete? Work that spawned weapons of mass destruction? The bomb that had killed his mother. . .

‘But . . . you can’t !’ the camerlengo had exclaimed. ‘I owe a deep debt to science,’ the Pope had replied.

‘Something I have hidden my entire life. Science gave me a gift when I was young man. A gift I have never forgotten.’

‘I don’t understand. What does science have to offer a manof God?’

‘It is complicated’, the Pope had said. I will need time to make you understand. But first, there is a simple fact about me that you must know. I have kept it hidden all these years. I believe it is time I told you’.


He disagrees with what the pope has planned. Therefore he is angry and plans to kill the pope. He prepares a needle filled with a drug known as Heparin with overdose dosages which would cause massive internal bleeding and brain hemorrhages. That is the equipment to kill the pope. The way he kills the pope can be illustrated from the story found in the novel.

“Sneaking into the Papal bed chambers . . . filling his syringe . . . covering the deceiver’s mouth as his body spasmed into death. In the moonlight, the camerlengo could see in the Pope’s wild eyes there was something he wanted to say. But it was too late. The Pope had said enough”.

The second event is to kill a cardinal, senior Roman Catholic priest, who is performed by the Hassassin, a group of secret terrorist. The camerlengo asks him to kill cardinal named Ebner from Frankfurt, Germany. He plans to kill Ebner because he supports and agrees what pope has done for the church. Therefore, camerlengo feels furies to whomever supports the pope and make them his enemies. All his enemies are kidnapped and locked up in a cell in the basement in the castle of Angels. Ebner is one of them. He is taken out from a cell in the basement in the castle of Angels to the basement of Chigi chapel. But before he is killed, one of member the Hassassin whch is ordered to kill the victim, he must brand the victim with symbol “Earth” which shows that such symbol is token as one of the first element the ancient elements of science. The element “Earth” means from Santi’s earthly tomb. Actually there are four brands for the Hassassin to perform their strategy to kill the victim as a token that they are illuminati (people who have or profess to have special intellectual or sprititual enlightment) to whirl one’s mind that they are from the Centuries of illuminati legend. The brands are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Usually the brands will be marked to the victims in teir chest before being killed. It happens to Ebner. Since the brand


“Earth” is identic with the ground, so the way the illuminati to kill the victim must be to the ground. Ebner is buried up to his waist in the earth. Standing upright with half of him below the ground stripped naked. This hands tied behind his back with a red cardinal’s sash. He is suffocated. Then he is dead. The way he kills the cardinal Ebner can be illustrated from the story found in the novel.

“Hello?” Langdon choked through his sleeve. Nothing. As he drew nearer, he realized the man was very short. Too short . . .

“What’s happening?” Vittoria called from above, shifting the light.

Langdon did not answer. He was now close enough to see it all. With a tremor of repulsion, he understood. The chamber seemed to contact around him. Emerging like a demon from the earthen floor was an old man. . . or at least half of him. He was buried up to his waist in the earth. Standing upright with half of him below ground. Stripped naked. His hands tied behind his back with a red cardinal’s sash. He was propped limply upward, spine arched backward like sone sort of hideous punching bag. The man’s head lay backward, eyes toward the heavens as if pleading for help from God himself.

“Is he dead?” Vittoria called

Langdon moved toward the body. I hope so, for his sake. As he drew to within a few feet, he locked down at the upturned eyes. They bulged outward, blue and bloodshot. Langdon leaned down to listen for breath but immediately recoild. “For Christ’s sake!”

“What !”

Langdon almost gagged. “He’s dead all right. I just saw the cause of death”. The sight was gruesome. The man’s mouth had been jammed open and packed solid with dirt. “Somebody stuffed fistful of dirt down his throat. He suufocated”

“Dirt?”, Vittoria said. “As in . . . earth?”

Langdon did a double take. Earth. He had almost forgotten. Then brands, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. The killer had threatened to brand each victim with one of the ancient elements of science”

The third event is to kill the second cardinal who named Lamasse from Paris. He is taken out from a cell in the basement in the castle of Angels and brought to St.Peter’s Square. Before killing him, Lamasse is branded with symbol “Air” and he is stabbed by Javelin into his both lungs just below his ribs. Unfortunetly he is not dead. Because he is still alive, then he is brought to St.


Peter’s Square and he is laid stretched out on the ground and left alone. Finally he is dead. It is done in order to the public knows his death is the act of illuminati. The way he kills the cardinal Lamasse can be illustrated from the story found in the novel.

Vittoria ripped the rest of the rags off the man’s abdomen. He had two deep puncture wounds, one on either side of the brand, just below his rib cage. She cocked the man’s head back and began to administer mouth to mouth. Langdon was not prepared for what happened next. As Vittoria blew, the wound on either side of the man’s midsection hissed and sprayed blood into the air like blowholes on a whale. The salty liquid hit Langdon in the face.

Vittoria stopped short, looking horrified. “His lungs . . .” she stammered.

“They’re . . . punctured”

Langdon wiped his eyes as he looked down at the two perforations. The holes gurgled. The cardinal’s lungs were destroyed. He was gone”

The Fourth event is to kill the third cardinal who named Guidera from Barcelona. He is taken out from a cell in the basement in the castle of Angels to the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria. Before killing him, he is branded with symbol “Fire” which means something burning. It shows that the illuminati wants to kill his victim by burning him. In this story, Guidera is first made unconscious by hitting his head with a piece of wood. Then he is hung by fastening both his wrists with the incestor cables. Below his body, there is burning wood burned with frankincense oil when make him to death. The cremation of his dead is like the funeral pyre in the epic tale. The way he kills the cardinal Guidera can be illustrated from the story found in the novel.

As Langdon’s eyes followed the inferno upward, the true horror of the scene descended like a bird of prey.

High overhead, from the left and right sides of the ceiling, hung two incensor cables— lines used for swinging frankincense vessels above the congregation. These lines, however, carried no incensor now. Nor were they swinging. They had been used for something else. . .

Suspended from the cables was a human being. A naked man. Each wrist had been connected to an opposing cable, and he had been hoisted almost to the point


of being torn apart. His arms were outstretched in a spread-eagle as if he were nailed to some sort of invisible crucifix hovering within the house of God.

Langdon felt paralyzed as he stared upward. A moment later, he witnessed the final abomination. The old man was alive, and he raised his head. A pair of terrified eyes gazed down in a silent plea for help. On the man’s chest was a scorched emblem. He had been branded.

High above the chapel floor, Cardinal Guidera endured his last torturous moments of consciousness. As he looked down the length of his naked body, he saw the skin on his legs begin to blister and peel away.

I am in hell, he decided. God, why hast thou forsaken me?

He knew this ,ust be hell because he was looking at the brand on his chest upside down. . . and yet, as if by the devil’s magic, the word made perfect sense”

The fifth event is to kill the fourth cardinal who named Baggia from Italy. He is taken out from a cell in the basement in the castle of Angels to edge of piazza. In that place, there is a fountain named The Fountain Rivers. Before killing him, he is branded with symbol “water” which means the colorless, transparent liquid occuring on earth as rivers, lake, oceans etc. It shows that the illuminate wants to kill his victim by shinking his body to the water. In this story, Baggia is the first made unconscious by hitting his head with a piece of wood. Then he is sank into the pool and he loses his breath till to die. The way he kills the cardinal Baggia can be illustrated from the story found in the novel.

The motion was utterly unexpected. For an instant Langdon thought the laws of physics had ceased to exist. The killer seemed to hang weightless in the air as his legs shot out from beneath him, his boots driving into the cardinal’s side and launching the chain-laden body out the door. The cardinal splashed down, sending up a sheet of spray.

Water dousing his face, Langdon realized too late what had happened. The killer had grasped one of the van’s roll bars and used it to swing outward.


4.2. The Murders

4.2.1 Carlo Ventresca (Camerlengo)

Carlo Ventresca is the son of the results of the process of artificial insemination. He is the son of a nun. He is about 30 years old and has a handsome face, brown hair and bright green eyes. He works as the Head of Papacy Household or commonly called the camerlengo (a cardinal who has charge of the papal treasury and accounts) . He is the pope’s reliable cardinal and as well as Pator. When there is a private meeting of the cardinals to elect a pope, he is the one of the cardinals appointed to be commision.

“I am Carlo Ventresca,’’ he said, his English is perfect.

“The late Pope’s camerlengo’’. His voice was unpretentious and kind, with only the slightest hint of Italian inflection.

“Vittoria Vetra ,”she said, stepping forward and offering her hand. “Thank you for seeing us”.

4.2.2 The Hassassin

The Hassassin is a name of the group of the secret terrorists. The typical of the members of the Hassassin can be described that they are tall and large, their eyes glistened, black like oil, their accent like people from Middle Eastern, their skin darkened. They can speak Arabic and Italian language. They serve as the messenger of the ancient brotherhood who hate their enemy very much coming from the Catholic church. To that reason, camerlengo takes the opportunity to use the Hassassin to kill the member off the Catholic church including the pope and cardinals. The opportunity to use the Hassassin can be proved in the following talks.


I would do even that for God, the camerlengo thought, and yet he had not. The deeds had been carried out by the Hassassin –a heathen soul tricked into thinking he was doing the work of the illuminati. “I am Janus, the camerlengo had told him. I will prove my power. And he had. The Hassassin’s hatred had made him God’s pawn”.

4.3. The motive of Assassination 4.3.1. To Revenge

To revenge is to take vengeance in behalf of a person, one self, etc. it is hatred feeling which can harm someone to inflict damage, injury, or punishment in return for an injury or insult.

Concerning with the story of the novel, the main case take revenge is about adding the new rules which causes conflict between the pope and the one of the cardinals. Such a new rule, for example, is about the church fund research which will provided for the goodwill toward spiritually based scientific research. The following statement can be shown when one of the cardinals is against the pope. As the opposite of the above statements which cause conflict, the pope has a reason why he makes the new rule.

“This is insane! Church fund research that will make the church look outdated? Works that produce weapons of mass destruction? Born who had killed his mother…”

“I don’t understand. What does science have to offer a man of God?”

As the opposite of the above statements which cause conflict, the pope has a reason why he makes the new rule.

“I owe a deep debt to science,” the pope had replied.

“Something I have hidden my entire life. Science gave me a gift when I was a young man. A gift I have never forgotten”. “This is insane! Church fund research that will make the church look outdated? Works that produce weapons of mass destruction? Born who had killed his mother…”


“I don’t understand. What does science have to offer a man of God?” 4.3.2 To Protect the Church

For the people like pope, cardinals, pastors, nuns, fraters give a protection to the church is a must. Therefore they must keep watching, for what is happening, happened, will happen to the church. Related to the story in the novel, one of them is the case about the science which the pope think as a gift for human being as the astononishing truth. On the other hand, the pope’s suggestion is to be in contradiction. Such contradiction can be seen from the following statements. “Science is knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on the fact on the fact that it can be proved. This science is a science that considers that the planet Earth and its inhabitants is a point that has no meaning in a tremendous scheme. A cosmic event that occurs in the universe. Even the technology that promises wants to unite us, it actually separates us. All people are now electronically connected to each other, but we still feel very alone. We are bombarded with violence, division, fracture, and betrayal. Skepticism is considered as a higher value. Cynicism and demand will be considered as evidence of the enlightened mind. Science destroys the world created by God into smaller pieces in their search for meaning ... and it was only generate new questions. we can measure the progress of science in a matter of weeks. We are getting out of control. Widened the gap between us, and when religion behind, humans find themselves on the spiritual emptiness. We are trying hard to find meaning. And believe me, we really tried hard”.




After writing this paper, the writer can conlcude that the assassination is very cruel deed which is against the law. It is especially if it happens to the pope. A pope is regarded as a holy man and the vicar of Christ. “Angels and Demons” is an extraordinary novel which describes about the assassination of the pope including the cardinals. The novel gives emphasis to the assassination which involves the illuminati— a secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years, reborn to continue their deadly vendetta against their most hated enemy, the Catholic church. The illuminati kills brutally his victims a chest by using the mysterious symbols seared onto the victim’s chest. The symbols are regarded as the ancient elements of science namely Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

In this paper, the writer hopes that “Angels and Demons” has shown some unthinkable person to be the main master of murder who is capable of organizing the crime happening in church.


Based on the analysis of the novel, the writer wants to give some suggestions to the readers, they are:

1. The church is a holy place that should not be confused with political issues or other issues relating to the world.


2. Every human beings in the world would certainly make many mistakes. Therefore he or she has the opportunity get the second chance to fix himself or herself.

3. It is recommended that one should not have any feeling of hatred, envy to destroy other person’s life.



Cyssco, Dhanny R. 2000. Practical English Grammar and Daily

Conversation. Jakarta: Puspa Swara.

Peck,John.1983.How Study a Novel.Great Britain; The Camelot Press Ltd. Goodman, Burton. 2003. Literature for English .United State of America: The

McGraw-Hill Companies.

Kihirio, Frits M. 2000. Agama Kristen dalam sejarah dunia. Jakarta: Gunung


Elliot, Catherine and Quinn, Frances. 1996. Criminal Law. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited.

Mulyadi, Mahmud. 2008. CRIMINAL POLICY. Medan: Pustaka Bangsa Press.

Echols, John M and Hasan Shadily. 2003. An English-Indonesian Dictionary,

Third Edition. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka.

Roberts, Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs.1995.Literature :an introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretice Hall, Inc.

Quirk, Randolph. 1998. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Essex: Clays Ltd




Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of

best known for the 2003 bestselling novel

treasure hunts set in a 24-hour period, and feature the recurring themes of translated into 52 languages, and as of 2012, sold over 200 million copies. Two of

them, The Da Vinci Code a

Brown's novels that feature the lead character include historical themes a generated controversy. Brown states on his website that his books are not


Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

Dan Brown was born and raised i eldest of three children. Brown grew up on the campus of wrote textbooks from 1968 until his retirement in 1997. Both of Brown's parents are also singers and musicians, having served as church choir masters, with his mother also serving as churc

Brown's interest in secrets and puzzles stems from their presence in his household as a child, where codes and ciphers were the linchpin tying together the mathematics, music and languages in which his parents worked. The young Brown spent hours working out siblings participated in elaborate treasure hunts devised by their father on birthdays and holidays. On Christmas, for example, Brown and his siblings did not find gifts under the tree, but followed a treasure map with codes and clues throughout their house and even around town to find the gifts. Brown's relationship with his father inspired that of

childhood treasure hunts.

After graduating from where he was a member of


Amherst Brown spent the 1985 school year abroad i in an art history course at the Amherst in 1986.

While on holiday i

started wor

studied in 1985. He also co-wrote a humor book with his wife, 187 Men to Avoid: A Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman, under the pseudonym "Danielle Brown." The book's author profile reads, "Danielle Brown currently lives in New England: teaching school, writing books, and avoiding men." The copyright is attributed to Dan Brown.

In 1996, Brown quit teaching to become a full-time writer. Digital

Fortress was published in 1998. His wife, Blythe, did much of the book's promotion, writing press releases, booking Brown on talk shows, and setting up press interviews. A few months later, Brown and his wife released The Bald Book, another humor book. It was officially credited to his wife, though a representative of the publisher said that it was primarily written by Brown. Brown subsequently


respectively, the former of which was the first to feature the lead character, Harvard symbology expert

Brown's first three novels had little success, with fewer than 10,000 copies in each


going to the top of the release in 2003. It is now credited with being one of the most popular books of all time, with 81 million copies sold worldwide as of 2009. Its success has helped push sales of Brown's earlier books. In 2004, all four of his novels were on the New York Times list in the same week, and in 2005, he made

of the 100 most influential people of the year

No. 12 on their 2005 "Celebrity 100" list, and estimated his annual income at US$76.5 million. The Times estimated his income from Da Vinci Code sales as $250 million.

Brown's third novel featuring Robert Langdon

released on September 15, 2009. According to the publisher, on its first day the book sold over one million in hardcover and e-book versions in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada, prompting the printing of 600,000 hardcover copies in addition to the five million first printing. The story takes place in Washington D.C. over a period of 12 hours, and features the puzzles hidden in the book jacket of The Da Vinci Code, including two references

to the

about the sequel. This repeats a theme from some of Brown's earlier work. For


"The Da Vinci Code will surface.

Brown's fourth novel featuring Robert Lang

thriller novel released on May 14, 2013 by Doubleday. Brown has stated that he has ideas for about 12 future books featuring Robert Langdon. Characters in


Brown's books are often named after real people in his life. Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon, the artist who created the

Angels & Demons CD and novel

Langdon recalls a wedding of two people named Dick and Connie, which are the names of his parents. Robert Langdon's editor Jonas Faukman is named after Brown's real life editor Jason Kaufman. Brown also said that characters were based on a New Hampshire librarian, and a French teacher at Exeter Angels & Demons, is named after Aldo Baggia, instructor of modern languages at Phillips Exeter Academy.

In interviews, Brown has said that his wife is an art historian and painter. When they met, she was the Director of Artistic Development at the National Academy for Songwriters in Los Angeles. During the 2006 lawsuit over alleged copyright infringement in The Da Vinci Code, information was introduced at trial that showed that Blythe did research for the book. In one article, she was described as “chief researcher.



Cyssco, Dhanny R. 2000. Practical English Grammar and Daily Conversation. Jakarta: Puspa Swara.

Peck,John.1983.How Study a Novel.Great Britain; The Camelot Press Ltd. Goodman, Burton. 2003. Literature for English .United State of America: The

McGraw-Hill Companies.

Kihirio, Frits M. 2000. Agama Kristen dalam sejarah dunia. Jakarta: Gunung Mulia.

Elliot, Catherine and Quinn, Frances. 1996. Criminal Law. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited.

Mulyadi, Mahmud. 2008. CRIMINAL POLICY. Medan: Pustaka Bangsa Press. Echols, John M and Hasan Shadily. 2003. An English-Indonesian Dictionary,

Third Edition. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka.

Roberts, Edgar V and Henry E. Jacobs.1995.Literature :an introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pretice Hall, Inc.

Quirk, Randolph. 1998. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Essex: Clays Ltd




Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of best known for the 2003 bestselling novel treasure hunts set in a 24-hour period, and feature the recurring themes of translated into 52 languages, and as of 2012, sold over 200 million copies. Two of them, The Da Vinci Code a

Brown's novels that feature the lead character include historical themes a generated controversy. Brown states on his website that his books are not


Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

Dan Brown was born and raised i eldest of three children. Brown grew up on the campus of wrote textbooks from 1968 until his retirement in 1997. Both of Brown's parents are also singers and musicians, having served as church choir masters, with his mother also serving as churc

Brown's interest in secrets and puzzles stems from their presence in his household as a child, where codes and ciphers were the linchpin tying together the mathematics, music and languages in which his parents worked. The young Brown spent hours working out siblings participated in elaborate treasure hunts devised by their father on birthdays and holidays. On Christmas, for example, Brown and his siblings did not find gifts under the tree, but followed a treasure map with codes and clues throughout their house and even around town to find the gifts. Brown's relationship with his father inspired that of

childhood treasure hunts.

After graduating from where he was a member of


Amherst Brown spent the 1985 school year abroad i in an art history course at the Amherst in 1986.

While on holiday i

started wor

studied in 1985. He also co-wrote a humor book with his wife, 187 Men to Avoid: A Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman, under the pseudonym "Danielle Brown." The book's author profile reads, "Danielle Brown currently lives in New England: teaching school, writing books, and avoiding men." The copyright is attributed to Dan Brown.

In 1996, Brown quit teaching to become a full-time writer. Digital Fortress was published in 1998. His wife, Blythe, did much of the book's promotion, writing press releases, booking Brown on talk shows, and setting up press interviews. A few months later, Brown and his wife released The Bald Book, another humor book. It was officially credited to his wife, though a representative of the publisher said that it was primarily written by Brown. Brown subsequently


respectively, the former of which was the first to feature the lead character, Harvard symbology expert

Brown's first three novels had little success, with fewer than 10,000 copies in each of their first printings. His fourth novel


going to the top of the release in 2003. It is now credited with being one of the most popular books of all time, with 81 million copies sold worldwide as of 2009. Its success has helped push sales of Brown's earlier books. In 2004, all four of his novels were on the

New York Times list in the same week, and in 2005, he made of the 100 most influential people of the year No. 12 on their 2005 "Celebrity 100" list, and estimated his annual income at US$76.5 million. The Times estimated his income from Da Vinci Code sales as $250 million.

Brown's third novel featuring Robert Langdon released on September 15, 2009. According to the publisher, on its first day the book sold over one million in hardcover and e-book versions in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada, prompting the printing of 600,000 hardcover copies in addition to the five million first printing. The story takes place in Washington D.C. over a period of 12 hours, and features the puzzles hidden in the book jacket of The Da Vinci Code, including two references

to the

about the sequel. This repeats a theme from some of Brown's earlier work. For


"The Da Vinci Code will surface.

Brown's fourth novel featuring Robert Lang thriller novel released on May 14, 2013 by Doubleday. Brown has stated that he has ideas for about 12 future books featuring Robert Langdon. Characters in


Brown's books are often named after real people in his life. Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon, the artist who created the

Angels & Demons CD and novel

Langdon recalls a wedding of two people named Dick and Connie, which are the names of his parents. Robert Langdon's editor Jonas Faukman is named after Brown's real life editor Jason Kaufman. Brown also said that characters were based on a New Hampshire librarian, and a French teacher at Exeter

Angels & Demons, is named after Aldo Baggia,

instructor of modern languages at Phillips Exeter Academy.

In interviews, Brown has said that his wife is an art historian and painter. When they met, she was the Director of Artistic Development at the National Academy for Songwriters in Los Angeles. During the 2006 lawsuit over alleged copyright infringement in The Da Vinci Code, information was introduced at trial that showed that Blythe did research for the book. In one article, she was described as “chief researcher.