Gambar1.3 Corporate Social Responsibility Continuum LIne (X)

Gambar1.3 Corporate Social Responsibility Continuum LIne (X)

Enough Good



From the results, the figure of 81.5% is obtained for the variable of Corporate Social Responsibility waste management. This number is in the intervalof 68% to 84%, so the program of Corporate Social Responsibility is in good category. It shows that PT PLN (Persero) has implemented CSR programs properly and empowered the communities through CSR activities successfully. In addition, the Corporate Social Responsibility program is getting good response from the residents at Taman Griya Lestari Complex, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang, West Java.

Tabel 1.3 The Respondent Views To The Image of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution for West Java and Banten (Y)

1 Product & Service

2 Behaviours And Attitudes

The table above illustrates the respondents recapitulation about the image (Y). Based on the results, it can be seen that the total score for the image (Y) is 10074.The sum total is incorporated into the continuum line, by the measurement determined:

Variable Y with the total 12 items and 215 respondent’s number obtained a total score of 10074 and the average percentage score was 78.1%. The scores have been categorized based on Variable Y with the total 12 items and 215 respondent’s number obtained a total score of 10074 and the average percentage score was 78.1%. The scores have been categorized based on

Gambar 1.4 The Image of Line Continnum (Y)


Very Bad

From the results,the figure of 78.1% is obtained for the variable of image. This number is in the interval of 68% to 84%, so the image of PT PLN (Persedor) Distribution for West Java and Banten is in good category. The respondents have good assessment to the image of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution for West Java and Banten through Corporate Social Responsibility. The CSR program is implemented well because the company pay great attention to the growing of waste management problem. Through this program, the resident at the complex can recycle the waste again as a helpful item to be sold. It has under laid the respondents to have good judgment and positive image to PT PLN (Persero) Distribution for West Java and Banten.


Tabel 1.4 UjiNormalitas

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Unstandardiz ed Residual

Normal Parameters Mean


St d. Dev iation

Most Ext reme


Dif f erences

Positiv e

Negativ e

Kolmogorov -Smirnov Z

Asy mp. Sig. (2-tailed)

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated f rom dat a.

The analysis of normality based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov method that requires normal curve if the value of Asymp. Sig. is above the maximum limit of error, namely 0.05. As in the regression an alysis which tested the normality of the residual or disturb ancevariablesstochastic random, the above data can be used for normally distributed variables residues.

Autokorelation Test

Table 1.5 Autokorelation Test Result

Model Summary b

1 1,432 b. Dependent Variable: Y

Based onthe Durbin-Watson table, thevalues obtainedat1.432. Since theDWvalueis between -2to +2, we can concludethat there is noautocorrelation.


Tabel 1.6 Heteroscedasticity Class

Correlati ons


Spearman's rho

X Correlation Coef f icient

X ed Residual

Sig. (2-tailed)

Unstandardized Residual

Correlation Coef f icient

Sig. (2-tailed)

From the output above, we can see that the data is not significant. It is seen fromp-value(Sig) which greater than 0.05. It can be concluded that there is not any heteroscedasticityin the regression model.

Simple Linier Regression Analysis

Table 1.7 Simple Linier Regression Analysis

Coeffi ci ents a


St andardized

Coef f icients

Coef f icients


B St d. Error

a. Dependent Variable: Y

From the output of SPSS 13 software above, the regression model is obtained as follows:

Y = 8,467 + 0,486 X

The constant valuea means that:

1. When Corporate Social Responsibility(X) is zero or image(Y) is not affected by the Corporate Social Responsibility, so the average image is 8.467

2. While the regression coefficient b means that if the variable of Corporate Social Responsibility (X) increases by one unit, then the image(Y) will increase by 0.486. The regression coefficient is positive, whichmeans that the Corporate Social Responsibility gives positive influence on the image (the higher/stronger Corporate Social Responsibility applying in the company, the higher the image would be).