4.1 Motives do Foodstagramming From interviews within formants, the authors discovered that the motive in doing foodstagramming one of which is a sense of other people want to follow. All informants agreed to ask the authors say that they started foodstagramming activities as follow others based on curiosity. Curious motif is a part sosiogenis motives. The motive is that every one wants to know to understan dan gain meaning from their world (Rakhmat, 2009:39). That is, someone curious about what other people feel about something.

By photographing the food, the people who do foodstagram can show what the eats andwhere he eats. In interviews, the authors found that the perpetrators of this foodstagram happy when going to places that are rarely visited or new. From it can be indicated that people who do want foodstagram assessed and rewarded that they are updated about culinary in Bandung. As said By photographing the food, the people who do foodstagram can show what the eats andwhere he eats. In interviews, the authors found that the perpetrators of this foodstagram happy when going to places that are rarely visited or new. From it can be indicated that people who do want foodstagram assessed and rewarded that they are updated about culinary in Bandung. As said

From the interviews, they do foodstagramming for entertainment facilities. From this it appears that, foodstagramming provide comfort for the perpetrators, as a means of entertainment. This is consistent with the theory of the need for longing value and meaning of life. "The need for value, longing and the meaning of life is the urge to meet the needs of guiding a comfortableway of life." (Rakhmat, 2009:39).

From interviews and discussions were held, it was found that there are three motives that underlie them in doing that foodstagramming:

1. Encouragement follow others

2. Encouragement To Get Award

3. Encouragement for hobby and entertainment facilities

4.2 The Way Interactions of Foodstagrammers From the interviews, it turnsattention to offenders foodstagram two factors in making interesting content as the interaction fig, which filters and angle As said by Luwi and Putris stating that they are very concerned about the use of filters and a good angle for interesting interactions. With effort to make an interesting photo, foodstagram offender has used social media well, because attention to some of the 4C concept proposed by Heuer namely context and communication. "Context" is how to form a message or story (information) "(in Solis, 2010:263). Then the "Communication" is a way to share stories or information which includes how to listen, respond, and grow"(In Solis, 2010:263). There, it is said that 'how to grow'. By creating interesting photo, the offender foodstagram trying to cultivate a photo story about the food and the presence of an attractive interaction from others.

From the interviews, it is known that the perpetrators foodstagram often make comments on the photos. Both photos by themselves, or other people's photos as a form of interaction. With often do love the photograph of another person then the perpetrators foodstagram attempted to establish a relationship with their followers. By doing comment and love it, and use From the interviews, it is known that the perpetrators foodstagram often make comments on the photos. Both photos by themselves, or other people's photos as a form of interaction. With often do love the photograph of another person then the perpetrators foodstagram attempted to establish a relationship with their followers. By doing comment and love it, and use

From interviews and discussions have been conducted, it was found that there are two ways of interaction are performed by actors foodstagram, namely;

1. Make a photo of an attractive interaction.

2. Do reply comments and love on other people's posts photo.

4.3 Meaning of Foodstagramming For foodstagrammers From the interviews, it was found that the foodstagrammers happy if there are comments or

love from others. As described in symbolic interaction theory, which states that meaning arises from the interaction. Blumer (in Kuswarno, 2009:113), revealed three underlying premise of symbolic interaction thinking, namely: Humans act toward things based on the meanings that exist in something that for them. Due to lack of response or the love of another person, then the informants feel happy and will do foodstagram continuously. Finally informants interpret that by doing foodstagram and their photos on-comment or in-love by someone else means their behavior observed by others. The meaning is derived from "interaction with others". With the interaction of followers the informants interpret that they are happy with their foodstagram attention of others. Meanings are enhanced in the process of social interaction takes place. This means that when there is interaction, the actors foodstagram feel cared for when there is a comment or love from others.

From the interviews, it was found that when doing foodstagramming and there was an interaction of other people, then foodstagrammers feel that they are better than everyone else. The point is that they feel that the photos he postsit better than others, it is seen from the commentor the like of follower which indicates that the better players foodstagram others. It is important to form a self-concept. As said by Westand Turner (2008: 98-104), "Development of self-concept through From the interviews, it was found that when doing foodstagramming and there was an interaction of other people, then foodstagrammers feel that they are better than everyone else. The point is that they feel that the photos he postsit better than others, it is seen from the commentor the like of follower which indicates that the better players foodstagram others. It is important to form a self-concept. As said by Westand Turner (2008: 98-104), "Development of self-concept through

From interviews with informants, it is known that they are used as a reference place to eat for their followers. Many people comment by asking where and whether the food was delicious. Informants feel happy when they get these comments because they feel that the photos and the information is worth more weight. In addition, foodstagrammers feel happy because they feel needed and expected by others. If seen from the symbolic interaction theory, this concept relates to the meaning of the individual to society. Community in this regard are the followers. West and Turner (2008: 98-104) says that a person can interpret something when they interact with the community, thus forming a new meaning or develop existing meaning. Because the meanings constructed through language (Ardianto andQ-Anees, 2007:127), meaning that in this foodstagramming, with the comment that asked where the dining area, and ask the food is good or not, interpreted by the informants that their presence is expected by the other.

From interviews and have a discussion, the authors found that there are three meanings for the actors foodstagramming foodstagram. The third meaning is:

1. Feeling considered by the others .

2. Feeling better than the others.

3. Feeling existence expected by others.