Melding of worlds.

5. Melding of worlds.

If someone will like it or not, the openness of social media means that it is almost impossible for users to keep different parts of their lives distinct. things done offline invariably find their way online and it may not even be your doing. and all those things are available for your personal and business contacts to enjoy

Accoring to ( Teadway and Smith,2010:33) , Social media today becomes the truth netwok, here are seven truths of social networks that can rely upon. If y going to bookmark one page of this book, bookmark this page because these truths should guide your thinking regardless of what you do with social media:

1. social media is the preferred way for people in younger demographics to communicate with each other. Nothing else comes close.

2. social media is based on the concept of friends, but that term today is very loosely applied. similarly, profiles are loosely defined and can be used in a vari- ety of ways by people, companies, brands, and so on.

3. the more active a consumer is on the Internet, the more likely they participate in multiple social networks. oftentimes, these people are influencers within a circle of friends and have a tremendous impact on the opinions of others.

4. once information is shared on a social network, it is out there and can’t easily be contained. everything is out in the open and largely visible for other people to see.

5. social media is best applied in addition to existing Internet marketing programs and alongside other Web assets. When building a strategy, you must think comprehensively.

6. the rules are still being made. social media “etiquette” is still relatively immature. tread carefully.

In this research, the marketing communication strategy will use the concept that mentioned by (watono and watono,2011 ) that there are three stages in making the strategy there are discovery circle , intent circle and strategic circle as the figure 2.3 below


(Picture downloaded at accessed 2 sepetember 2014, 10:51 WIB)

It will be explained deeply for every part of circle below :

1. Discovery Circle

In this circle includes the elemest that direct to explore the external environment ( market, consumer and competitor) and internal ones ( in product or brand ). It purpose to find the insights for the brand development. The analyse starts from the inner cycle to outter cyle. In this cycle will analyse about competitor review, consumer review and Brand Review.

2. Intent Circle

After analysing in the first stage, there will find the problem and advantge in this stage. Based on problem identification, one can find out the intent from the marketing communication that will be done to describe about the strenght and weakness for the purpose of internal analyses and opportunity and threat for external analyses.

3. Strategy Circle

In this circle is about the strategy or tactic to win in the market, the startegy will start form outter circle to inner circle. It will discuss started from finding the target audience, creating Brand Soul and selling Idea, contact point, message and maketing communication mix that will be used.

According to ( Sulaksana, 2003: 25-28) , there are marketing communication mix that will used integrated . There are :