A. Type of Research

This research is a descriptive qualitative research in which the researcher focuses on collecting data, analyzing data, interpreting them, and making conclusion. Meanwhile, qualitative research aims to describe a non-statistical or descriptive data. It refers to the research procedure, which brings about descriptive data both in written or spoken forms available to be examined (Bodgan and Taylor in Moleong 2007: 4).

In this research, the researcher focuses on describing of the research object, namely referential and non-referential vocative expressions, by using a descriptive method. Thus, the research was done by collecting, analyzing, interpreting the data, and drawing the conclusion from the analysis.

B. Data and Source of Data

According to Arikuntoro (2006: 129), the source of data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained. Moreover, the data themselves may appear in the form of discourse, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or even morpheme (Subroto, 1992: 7).

In this research, the reseacher employed the film of “Aliens In The Attic” as the source of data. The researcher used the data in the dialogue of the film

Sample is a part or representation of the data being observed (Hadi, 1983: 117). Whereas sampling technique is a technique that is used by the researcher to select samples out of the data (p.75). In other words, sample is the chose-data to observe, while sampling technique is the technique used to choose or select the samples.

In this research, the researcher employs a purposive sampling technique. According to Sutopo (2002: 36), in the purposive sampling, selection of the sample is directed to the data that have important relation with the problem being observed. Therefore, the researcher uses the data by selecting them so that this kind of sampling will ease in analyzing the data related to the field study. The data used in this research are the selected-data containing vocative expressions employed the characters in the film “Aliens In The Attic”.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

There are some steps taken by the researcher to collect the data in this research:

1. Watching the film entitled “Aliens In The Attic” for several times.

2. Finding and copying the script of the fim from the internet on

3. Taking notes on all of the utterances in the dialogue which contain vocative expressions.

4. Taking all of the utterance which contain vocative expressions as the

6. Giving the codes for each datum.

E. Technique of Coding Data

The technique of coding data is used to make the data classification becomes easier to analyze. The example of data coding of this research is as follows:

Datum 01 / AR / ADD

01 : refers to the number of datum

AR : refers to the types of vocative expressions It can be: - AR

: Associative Referential

- DR

: Dissociative Referential


: Associative Non-Referential


: Dissociative Non-Referential

ADD : refers to illucutionary act of vocative It can be: - CALL : Calling


: Addressing

The collected data were analyzed based on the following steps:

1. Describing the context of situation in the dialogue of film “Alliens In The Atttic”

2. Analzing the data which contain vocative expressions.

3. Analyzing the data based on Kubo’s theory.

4. Finding the way how the characters expressed the types of vocative expressions.

5. Drawing conclusion.