Experimental Research Research Design



Chapter three presents methods of investigation which consists of research design, object of the research, variable, instrument and scoring technique.

3.1 Research Design

Here the writer wants to discuss experimental research and procedure of the research.

3.1.1 Experimental Research

The writer used the quantitative method because she used the experimental research in doing her research. According to Gay 1976 as quoted by Sevilla et al. 1988:93 “Experiment method is the research method only which actually can examine hypothesis which is related to the cause-effect. Beside the experiment method can represent the actual approach in solving problem theoretically and practically.” The statement above shows that experimental method requires the actual approach because it can represent the valid result both theoretically and practically. In this case, the writer used the experimental research. The experimental research consists of two group; they are the experimental group and the control group. 16 The design of the experimental group can be described as follows: E 01 X 02 C 03 X 04 Where, E = experimental group C = control group 01 = pre test of the experimental group 02 = post test of the experimental group 03 = pre test of the control group 04 = post test of the control group Arikunto 2006: 86 It can be explained that the subjects were assigned to the experimental group top line and the control group bottom line. The writer checked the quality of the subjects firstly by giving a pre test 01 and 03. Then she gave a treatment for the experimental group, in this study she gave mind mapping strategy as the new treatment. Meanwhile the control group was given nothing; she just taught the control group as usual. Considering the statement above, the writer conducts her research by choosing two classes of the eighth grade students of SMP N I Pegandon-Kendal as the sample of her research. One class as the experimental group, they were taught descriptive text by using mind mapping strategy and another as the control group, they were taught descriptive text by using the conventional strategy the strategy which the teacher applies as usual. So, the writer will compare whether mind mapping strategy is more effective in teaching descriptive text. 17

3.1.2 Procedure of the Research