Data Collection Technique The effectiveness of pixton to improve students' narrative writing ability at MTs Sabilul Muttaqin Pungging Mojokerto. 36 b Determining the level of significance Using a significance level of 0.05 5. 67 67 Ibid.142 37 CHAPTER IV : FINDING AND DISCCUSION In this chapter, the researcher present and analyze data based on experimental class and control class. In experimental class, students were taught by using pixton medium to improve writing ability in narrative text, while in the control class, students were not taught using pixton medium that used by the teachers in MTs Sabilul Muttaqin Mojokerto. In the data analysis, the researcher used an independent sample of t-test using SPSS 24 to analysis of differences in the use of both media. Before using independent sample of t-test, samples of data must be two qualify that was normal distribution and homogeneity. The researcher used SPSS 24 program to measure the data was normally distributed and homogeny.

A. Research Finding

The researcher found in the analysis on the effect of pixton medium to improve students’ narrative writing ability at MTs Sabilul Muttaqin was pixton medium in students’ narrative writing ability The researcher chosen two classes in the eighth-grade students of MTS Sabilul Muttaqin to be experimental class and control class. Both of classes must had same equal writing ability. Therefore, the pretest hold before the treatment to know the score of both classes had equal ability or not. The researcher used Jacob et.als scoring rubric cited from Hughes to assess students’ achievement in writing narrative test. There were 5 components that were considering in writing narrative text that is: content C, organization O, vocabulary V, language use LU, and mechanics M.

a. Data Description of the Pretest in 8A Control Class and 8B Experimental Class