Collaborative Reason The Reasons for Maxim Flouting in 12 Years a Slave Movie

106 Those are some analyzed data to present the reasons for maxim flouting by Northup in 12 Years a Slave movie. The completed data is presented in the appendixes of this research. Finally, the findings and discussion chapter is completed. The objectives of this research have been completely answered by using tables, examples, and explanation. The relationship between the three objectives has also been presented in the discussion. Hopefully, this chapter can provide an in-depth understanding in regard to the occurrences of maxim flouting in the movie uttered by Northup. 107


This chapter embodies two sections, conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions are drawn based on the formulated research questions. It comprises the final conclusion of each objective in this research. Besides, in the second section, some suggestions in regard to the research are provided for some related parties.

A. Conclusions

According to the findings and discussion in the previous chapter, some conclusions related to the maxim flouting uttered by Solomon Northup in 12 Years a Slave movie can be drawn as follows. With regard to the data analysis dealing with the types of maxim flouting, Solomon Northup performs four types of maxim flouting; quantity, quality, relevance, and manner maxim flouting. Of the four maxim flouting, the most dominant maxim flouting uttered by Northup is quantity maxim flouting. Being forced to be slave, there are some times when he gives too much information to reveal his true identity and too little information to act his role as a slave properly. In general, quantity maxim flouting is frequently used to convince another participant of the conversation. On the other hand, the type of maxim flouting having the lowest rank in the occurrences is relevance maxim flouting. 108 Then, in terms of strategy, Solomon Northup applies five strategies of maxim flouting in the movie; tautology, overstatement, understatement, metaphor, and irony. One strategy from rhetorical strategies that is not used by Solomon Northup is rhetorical question which allows a speaker to make a statement through question. Here, the most dominant strategy used for maxim flouting is overstatement. Using this strategy, Northup states an exaggeration and gives more information than is required. Lastly, dealing with the reasons for maxim flouting, there are four reasons that lead Solomon Northup to flout the maxims; competitive, collaborative, convivial, and conflictive reason. In the movie, conflictive reason becomes the most dominant reason for maxim flouting. It is arising from the fact that Northup is a freeman forced to be a slave.

B. Suggestions

In this section, some suggestions in regard to the research are provided for some related parties as follows: For the readers of this research, it is better to have basic understanding about Cooperative Principle before reading this research. Since this research aims to give more understanding to the readers about maxim flouting in use, having basic knowledge about Cooperative Principle in which maxim flouting becomes a part of it is important. For the other researchers, a further study relating maxim flouting and racism in 12 Years a Slave movie is recommended. It is due to the fact that 12 Years a 109 Slave movie is well known for the topic of racism. In general, the weakness of this research is that it just focuses on the use of maxim flouting without trying to relate it with another topic. For this reason, it is highly recommended to analyze the topic of maxim flouting and racism at the same time. 110 REFERENCES

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