Instruments of Research RESEARCH METHODS


E. Techniques of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the most complex work in a study, indeed in qualitative research. In the data analysis, content analysis was applied to find out the maxim flouting uttered by Solomon Northup in the movie. This technique of analysis analyzed the object of the study through the theories of maxim flouting. As Downe-Wamboldt says in Wahyuni, 2012: 122, content analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon. Qualitative data analysis is defined as working with data which includes organizing, classifying, synthesizing, and understanding the data, and also determining the data that will be presented Bogdan and Biklen, 1982: 145. Considering this definition, in this research, the procedures of data analysis were as follows. 1. Identifying To start the analysis, firstly, the researcher categorized the raw data that had been recorded. Some categorizations were made as a form of identification on the data of the research. 2. Coding After the identification of data was done, the researcher represented the data in code. Coding was used as a sign of categorization of the data in this research. Besides, applying this coding also helped the researcher to gain trustworthiness of the data during the analysis process. The coding systems were as follows. e.g. QN01TLCL --- QN : Quantity type of maxim flouting 53 01 : Number of occurrence TL : Tautology strategy of maxim flouting CL : Collaborative reason for maxim flouting 3. Interpreting After coding and re-examining the data, the researcher interpreted the data in order to answer the formulation of the problem. In this step, the researcher got to know what was important in each data and what it meant. Data sheet was needed in this step of interpretation. 4. Discussing In this step, a comprehensive analysis of the interpreted data was done. The researcher discussed the result of data interpretation. Then, the result of the discussion was used to make a conclusion. 5. Concluding This was the last step in which the researcher drew the conclusions of the research based on the findings.

F. Trustworthiness of Data

Validity and reliability should be reconsidered in qualitative term for establishing the authenticity and trustworthiness of a research Merriam, 2009: 211. In this case, Lincoln and Guba in Merriam, 2009: 213 use different terms for generalizability, internal validity, reliability, and objectivity in the trustworthiness of data. Having the similar meaning, they name those concepts as transferability, credibility, dependability, and conformability for the 54 trustworthiness of qualitative research. To deal with this trustworthiness, the researcher of this research applied triangulation method, i.e. the cross-validation of qualitative analysis Wiersma, 2009: 287. It approves the sufficiency of the data in the research. Below are the two kinds of triangulation used in this research. 1. Investigator Triangulation Doing investigator triangulation, the researcher applied peer correction. Other observers investigated the findings of the research found by the researcher. Here, the researcher conducted the triangulation of the data with two students having the same major as the researcher in English Language and Literature Study Program. 2. Theory Triangulation Theory triangulation in this research was conducted by using multiple theories in the process of analyzing and interpreting the data. Each single set of data was interpreted by using three different theories related to maxim flouting. Those theories were the theory of Grice, Grundy, and Leech.