Form, Context, and Source of Data Techniques of Data Collection

54 trustworthiness of qualitative research. To deal with this trustworthiness, the researcher of this research applied triangulation method, i.e. the cross-validation of qualitative analysis Wiersma, 2009: 287. It approves the sufficiency of the data in the research. Below are the two kinds of triangulation used in this research. 1. Investigator Triangulation Doing investigator triangulation, the researcher applied peer correction. Other observers investigated the findings of the research found by the researcher. Here, the researcher conducted the triangulation of the data with two students having the same major as the researcher in English Language and Literature Study Program. 2. Theory Triangulation Theory triangulation in this research was conducted by using multiple theories in the process of analyzing and interpreting the data. Each single set of data was interpreted by using three different theories related to maxim flouting. Those theories were the theory of Grice, Grundy, and Leech. 55


This chapter embodies two sections, findings and discussion. In the first section, the findings of the research are presented in the form of tables. There are two tables which provide the answers of each objectives of the research. Besides, brief explanations are also provided to lead the way of how to read the findings of the research. In the second section or discussion, some examples of the analyzed data are provided to achieve an in-depth understanding of the phenomena. It is the further explanation of the first section.

A. Findings

This section provides the data that have been obtained by the researcher to answer the objectives of the research. The findings show that Solomon Northup, the main character in 12 Years a Slave movie, indeed flouts the maxims of Cooperative Principle. His life as a slave for 12 years has affected the form of his maxim flouting. Analyzing maxim flouting in this movie enables the researcher to represent the effect of slaves’ life to the occurrences of maxim flouting in Northup’s life. Here, the data used for an analysis of maxim flouting are provided in the form of tables. It is for the purpose of presenting the data in an easier way. Moreover, the frequency and the percentage of each category are presented