Charlie Carlisle The Peripheral Characters

3.2 The Peripheral Characters

3.2.1 Charlie

Charlie is a head police office at Forks. He is Bella’s father. He has brown curly hair. His wife, Renee, leaves him and married again with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player since Bella was a child. He has a hobby to watchs game football on TV every night as quoted below: Pertandingan masih berlangsung; begitu berjalan memasuki pintu depan, langsung bisa mendengar suara komentator meningkahi sorak-sorai penonton di televisi termasuk Charlie yang sedang asik-asiknya melihat itu. Charlie tidur-tiduran di sofa dengan kaki ditumpangkan di lengan sofa… New Moon, 2009.61 He does love his child though he is a single parent. He loves his child as he loves himself. When something matter is happened to his child for he becomes worry as quoted below: “Bella, kau baik-baik saja?. Aku disini, Sayang” suara yang berat dan penuh kekhawatiran pada setiap orang anak yang dicintai…. New Moon, 2009.65 Universitas Sumatera Utara Besides as a police in metropolises, he also often gets call in case accident of traffic. Most of children often motorcycle race at long public road. Hence he does not like if his child riding motorbike as quoted below: Jangan pernah mengakhiri hidupmu di atas sepeda motor karena itu sangat tragis bagi dirimu…. Ceroboh dan tolol jika kau melakukannya…. New Moon, 2009.141 He is a very responsible for his obligation and duty as a father for his child.

3.2.2 Carlisle

He is Esme’s husband and also foster father of Edward. He is 23 years old. He has blond hair and gallant body. He is about 187 heights. His father is a pastor of a church at Anglican, England. His father is a hunter of all kinds of creature like enchanter , w erewolf and vampire. After his father becomes old, then he changes the position of his father. A night, he attacks vampire and he is dead in the street. He transforms his body becomes vampire. He thinks that the man changes unto vampire, so that they will get a struggle. He has a science concerning medical. He becomes famous and super doctor at Forks. Not like other vampire, he does not be tempted by human being blood after he practicing until 300 years to arrest obsession. A night when he cannot arrest puckish again, he attacks a Universitas Sumatera Utara group of deer. He realizes that he can eat animal blood without must attack man. From that, he begins practice to be a man blood of himself and becomes a doctor. He is a doctor of vampire who works at Intensive Care Unit of hospital. He looks very expert to take care of people. Bella is one of a person who is helped by him in the hospital when Bella is attacked by Jasper as quoted below: “Aku paling senang kalau… kemampuanku ini bisa membantu menyelamatkan orang yang kalau tidak ku tolong pasti akan meninggal. Senang rasanya mengetahui bahwa, karena kemampuanku, kehidupan orang lain bisa jauh lebih baik karena aku ada. Bahkan indra penciumanku terkadang bisa menjadi perangkat diagnosis yang berguna.” New Moon, 2009.48 Finally, he and his wife with family of Edward go to Volterra, Italy. It is the endless residence of family good vampire.

3.2.3 Mike