Data and Data Sources Data Collecting Method

35 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Method This paper was written by uses library research. In the library is full of one or more books that full of material. The writer read and write for the books. The writer collected some literary books especially books that are relevant to the topic that can support the description of grammar, especially conjunction books as reference to finish the paper. Library is a place that full of books, material, and agenda. The writer choosed that place because can get many information about the topic that want to do about description. Not only from the books, information also can get from internet to support the data description.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

All data are sentences that contained of conjunctions found in the novel “The Man In the Iron mask” written by Alexandre Dumas as the source of the data. Alexandre written two books , first is The Three Musketeers and the second is The Man in the Iron Mask. The writer choosed “The Man in the Iron Mask” because the novel is interesting story and full of conjunction so its not difficult to find and describe about conjunction. The novel “The Man in the Iron Mask” consist of 572 pages and contains 60 chapters with its topic and subtopic are different in each chapters. The writer choosed one or two examples between all topics. 36

3.3 Data Collecting Method

A method is need when a writer want to describe about something that want to observed. So, in the novel “The Man in The Iron Mask, the writer used one method that can help to observes the use of conjunctions in the novel. In this case, the method very important. It explain about how to describe and how to make the description. 3.4 Data Description Method In description, the writer used descriptive method that can explain and interpretate the object according the fact. The descriptive strategy have relation between variable, test the hyphotesis, develop generalisation and develop the theory that as universal validality. Descriptive research is a research about phenomenon or population that get from researcher from subject like individual, organization, industry or perspective. Between that, descriptive research method is a method that collected for questions or hypotesis related with situation and condition. In general, the descriptive research method was done to get purpose. The purpose are to explain and describe systematically the fact and characteristic of the object. Descriptive research design as the best approach research because it offers precise. In descriptive research design research will count and classify, and build statistical models to then explain what is observed. Descriptive research do to answer the question about what, where, how, who, and when be related with the characteristic from population or phenomenon. 37