Recombination Crossover Mutation Fitness Calculating

90 160. And the total of class is 93. To fill the 93 genes in one chromosome, the author should take a gene randomly chosen from those available are 160 genes.

2. Recombination Crossover

Crossing over is the important step to prevent the redundancy of the chromosome’s content in each individu and to produce a variety of genes. In this case, the writer will use mutiple point cross over. It called multiple point because the point for crossing over is more than one. Chromosome 1: 135 215 442 128 111 312 444 548 223 125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 …….. 93 Chromosome 2: 241 131 211 117 413 251 222 547 121 441 ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 …… 93 Crossover result 1: 241 131 211 128 111 312 444 547 121 441 Crossover result 2: 135 215 442 117 413 251 222 548 223 125 91 From the result above, we can see that there are no same gene inside the Chromosome so there are no redundant data. From the result above, we can see that the result of chromosome is more variable, this is because of using multiple point in crossing over so the changes is not only in one place. For good lecturing scheduling system, it must not to have same gene data in one chromosome, because it will produce the ambiguity in one lecturing schedule should not consist double course subject . By using genetic algorithm, the problem occur can be overcome and approved by showing no redundant data like the result of crossing over above.

3. Mutation

In this lecturing scheduling case at Informatic Engineering major, the writer choose the mutation which work only for moving the gene inside the chromosome itself so it does not use any number from outside the chromosome. This type of mutation is called as swap mutation. The mutation functions are for anticipating a subject which does not match with the room, anticipating a willingness of faculty teaching and anticipating day that can not be in teaching. 92 From the value of mutation above, it shows that the mutation only changing the structure of the gene itself. When the mutation is done, the schedule will be different because the day, the session and the room changed.

4. Fitness Calculating

To calculate the fitness value, the writer must find the influential factors which are giving influence in lecturing scheduling at Informatic Engineering major. When the writer tries to find the factor, the writer analyzes some conditions by paying attention to some conditions, they are: a. Is there a time in the morning empty or not in use? 93 1 To increase the productivity usage of the room, then in the desired sequence can be immediately used the room since morning. 2 if the program offers a solution where there is a time schedule in the morning which is not used, then this will reduce the fitness value of solution b. Is there any lecturers who teach high frequency in one day? Lecturers teaching more than 5 credits hour are considered to have high frequency. c. Are there any classes that have a high rate in each day? 1 To maintain the performance of students, expected no class schedules that are too crowded in one day. 2 If college class schedule offer solutions that too high, then the value of fitness solution reduced. The writer uses the condition above as a parameter to find the fitness value. The parameter will be different for each case. It depends on what the influential factor for each case. Based on the previous research Aria 2008, the formula for calculating fitness value is: Fitness = 1B1xF1+B2xF2+B3xF3 94 This below is the table of limitation and priority for scheduling. TABLE 4.4. The Limitation and Priority Value for Scheduling Influential Factor The weight Reason The empty class in the morning 5 This is soft constraint which is not the priority Frequency of lecturer’s teaching 20 This is hard constraint because if this happens then the lecturers performance will be reduced Frequency of class lectures 20 This is hard constraint because if this happens then the students performance will be reduced The table above is showing that each influential factor has a weight to calculate. Based on Suyanto 2008, Hard constraint is a condition that must not be violated and soft constraint is a The variable that the writer uses at Informatic Engineering major: • F1= the highest class • F2= the total of the empty class in the morning • F3= the total of the highest lecturing in a day from the lecturer • B1= the weight of the highest class • B2= the weight of the empty class in the morning • B3= the weight of the total of the highest lecturing in a day from the lecturer 95 condition that not be the first priority. Based on Suyanto 2008, The hard constraint has a weight larger than soft constraint because it is the priority that can not be violated.The Different case will produce different influential factor. Based on the observation and data analyze, the writer found data at Informatic Engineering major like in the table below: TABLE 4.5. Influential Factor for Calculating Fitness at Informatic Engineering Major Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Influential Factor The Total Number The empty class in the morning 4 Frequency of lecturer’s teaching 5 Frequency of class usage 5 The empty class in the morning is a situation in where no process study at 07.30 Am because the morning class starts from that time. The frequency of lecturer teaching is a condition in which a lecturer has high frequency in giving lecture in each day. A lecturer categorized as a lecturer who has high frequency if heshe teaches more than 5 credits hour in a day. This kind of influential factor could give a bad performance to the lecturer and to the student brain. 96 The frequency of class is a condition when the class capability to receive the subject. If a class full from 1 st session till the last session, it will give bad effect to the student because the student will have a bad performance in receiving the lecture. Fitness Calculating at Informatic Engineering Major Islamic University, year 20092010, 28 course subjects, 4 classes A-D and 8 room classes before applying Genetic Algorithm into scheduling system: B1 is the weight for empty class in the morning, B2 is the weight for giving lecture in high frequency and B3 is the weight for class in high frequency. From the result above, the fitness value is 0.0045. It means that the lecturing scheduling system at Informatic Engineering Major is not efficient. Based on the previous research Aria 2008, the value for the efficient scheduling is 0.008. When the system reaches the fitness value under the 0.008, it indicates that: the clash that still occur in the use of class, there remains the possibility of an empty class room in the morning and lecturers teaching with high frequency. Fitness = 1B1Xf1+B2XF2+B3XF3 = 15x4+20x5+20x5 = 1220 = 0.004545 97

5. Selection