Modeling Overview at Science and Technology Faculty Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

98 writer is using n times as a number of maximum iteration in this case.

8. Stop Condition

In lecturing scheduling system at Informatic Engineering major, there are some conditions that cause the genetic algorithm is stopped, such: 1. Achieved the highest fitness value for three consecutive times. 2. Achieved the maximum iteration.

4.2.3. Modeling

After finishing the analysis stage, then the writer design the application that already defined in the previous. The system design begins with creating the Data Flow Diagram DFD, flowchart and creating the database design. Requirement Model Bussiness process that occur in this system is:

1. The academic staff must input the data: the course subject name, the lecturer name, the total of credit hour, the time, the local room and the session. 2. After the data inserted into database, the system will process it. 99 3. The system will give the output about the information about the course subject name, the lecturer name, the total of credit hour, the time and the room class. 4. The function of using genetic algorithm is achieving the optimaztion in a system. So in this case, when the system proceess the data, the system also trying to match room class for the course subject then after matching it, the system will give the output like the explanation above. 5. The final result of this system is giving a time table report. Data Flow Diagram DFD

The writer use data flow diagram to represent the process modeling. The data flow diagram that the writer use: context diagram, data flow diagram level 1 and data flow diagram level 2. The figure below is showing the data flow diagram. 100 Figure 4.6 : The Context Diagram of Lecturing Scheduling System The figure above is a context diagram of lecturing scheduling system in all aspect. That figure shows how the process scheduling starts from collecting data at academic of Informatic Engineering Major until the arranging the schedule. 101 Figure 4.7 : The Data Flow Diagram Level 1 1.0 102 Figure 4.8 : The Data Flow Diagram Level 2 Process 4 The data flow diagram above is a data flow diagram level 2. In this level, the process in applying genetic algorithm will be break down. The step in this level: 1. First, generate population in which it use the datas, they are: day, session, course, lecturer,class, room and schedule that already input in the process 1 and 2 in level 2, after generating population, it will produce population. 2. Second process is Evaluating fitness value in which in this stage will calculate and evaluate a fitness value to use in generating a schedule. 3. Third process is crossing over after done in this stage, it will produce the new population. mic 4.1 103 4. Forth process is Mutation. In this stage will produce a new chromosome gene. 5. Fifth process is Evaluating fitness value for the second time in which in this stage will calculate and evaluate a fitness value to use in generating a schedule. 6. After the schedule finished, the academic can use the schedule. Entity Relationship Diagram ERD

The entity relationship diagram is very useful to represent the data modeling. The new lecturing scheduling system that the writer proposed has a database which is consist of some tables. They are: day, room, session, class, lecturer and course. The figure below is purposing to show the relationship between one entity to another entity. 104 The Entity Relationship Diagram Figure 4.9 : The ERD of The System TABLE 4.6. The Table of The Day The Field Type of field Day_id Integer 2 Day_name Varchar 10 Day’s table is consisting of two kinds of field. The first field is containing the number of the day which is the writer called it Day_id and the second field is containing the day in which the writer called it room session 105 Day_name. Day_id is representing by using integer number because it indicates the number of the day and Day_name is represented by using varchar because this is the name of the day in which using character. The gene has 3 digits number to represent the day, session and room. In this case, the day’s table has contribution to fill the first digit of the gene. TABLE 4.7. The Table of Room The Field Type of field Room_id Integer2 Room_name Varchar 5 Room ’s table is consisting of two kinds of field. The first field is containing the total number of the local which is the writer called it Room_id and the second field is containing the Room_name. Room_id is representing by using integer number because it indicates the number of the rows and Room_name is representing by using varchar because this is the name of the room in which using character. The gene has 3 digits number to represent the day, session and room. In this case, the local’s table has 106 contribution to fill the third digit of the gene to catch up the session. TABLE 4.8. The Table of Lecturer The Field Type of field Lecturer_id Integer 10 Lecturer_name Varchar 40 The lecturer’s table is consisting of 2 fields, they are: No and dosen. No is representing the number of the lecturer and dosen is representing the name of the lecturer. This table is very helpfull to give the information about lecturer based on the structure of the gene. TABLE 4.9. The Table of Course The Field Type of field Course_id Varchar 7 Course_name Varchar 50 Credit Integer 2 Semester varchar 2 The Course table is consisting of 4 fields, they are: course_id, course_name, credit and semester. Course_id is representing the number of the course subject, course_name is representing the name of the course subject, credit is representing the total credit 107 of course subject and semester is representing the semester. TABLE 4.10. The Table of Session The Field Type of field Session Integer 2 Start Varchar 5 End Varchar 5 The session’s table is consisting of 3 fields, they are: session, start and end. session is representing the total number of the session, start is representing the start time of the credit hour and end is representing the finish time of credit hour. This table is very helpfull to give the information about the session and it useful to represent the second digit inside the gene. TABLE 4.11. The Table of Schedule The field Type of field Schedule_id Integer 3 Course_id Varchar 10 Lecturer_id Varchar 7 Class_id Varchar 1 The table above is a relation table for the scheduling system. Based on the table, the primary key is Schedule_id, the other fields is the foreign key from othe table. 108 Design Model

The writer designs the interface like the figure below: 1. Input Form Add Lecture No id Add Lecture Name Search By: Search Add Lecturer ShowHide id NO ID Action Lecturer Name 1 2 3 Paging Figure 4.10 : Design Input 1 Mata Kuliah SKS Dosen Semester Kelas Simpan Edit MK Kembali Lanjutkan Figure 4.11 : Design Input 2 109 2. Output Form Figure 4.10 : Design Output PART V IMPLEMENTATION

5.1. System Requirement

Building the lecturing scheduling system needs the hardware and the software like the specification below : 1. The Hardware : a. Computer Processor Unit Intel core i5 2,7GHz 4 CPU b. Memory 2 GB c. Hard Disk Drive 160 GB 2. The Software : a. Operating System Windows 7 b. XAMPP Web Server Apache 1.3, PHP 5, MySQL 5. c. Adobe Dreamweaver

5.2. Construction

In this stage, the writer will do the coding part and the testing part.

5.2.1 Coding

In the coding part, the writer types the code to build the application system. Before coding, the writer must understand the flowchart, the business process, the entity relationship diagram ERD and the database itself. Writer provided source code in appendix part.