Importance of Textbook The Analysis Of The Reading Materials In “English Alive” Textbook Based On Schoolbased Curriculum For Second Grade Students Of Senior High School (Adescriptive Study Of Analysis Reading Materials In English Alive Textbook For The Se

3. How to Analyze Textbook

There are many commercial textbooks from many publishers. It is necessary for the teachers to be more selective in choosing the textbook. As Cunningsworth stated “ As well as seeing what is prominent and obvious in a coursebook. we need to examine how specific items are dealt wit, particularly those which relate to students’ learning needs, syllabus requirements, how different aspects of language are dealt with, etcetera”. 33 Thus, in selecting the textbook for teaching- learning process at school the teachers should refer to the syllabus. Furthermore, in evaluating textbook, there are some criteria that the teacher should consider. Cunningsworth proposes four criteria for evaluating textbooks, particularly course book. The criteria are: 34 a. They should correspond to learner’s needs. They should match the aims and objective of the language learning program. b. They should reflect the used that learners will make of the language. c. They should take account of students’ needs as learners and should facilitate their learning processes. d. They should have a clear role as a support for learning. To make easier in analysing and evaluating coursebook, the teacher can use cheklist design. 35 However, the use of cheklist design is for practical purposes a manageable list of the most important criteria will be needed.

C. School-Based Curriculum KTSP 1.

Understanding of School-Based Curriculum Curriculum is known as the content, standards, or objectives for which schools hold student accountable, or curriculum is the set of instructional strategies teachers plan to use. 36 Furthermore, Richard emphasized that curriculum focuses on determining what experiences should be provide to bring about 33 Allan Cunningsworth, Choosing Your Coursebook, Oxford: Macmillan Education, 1995, p. 2. 34 Richards., op. cit., p. 258. 35 Ibid., 36 George J. Posner, Analyzing the Curriculum, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, p. 5. intended learning outcomes, and how teaching and learning in schools or educational system can be planned, measure and evaluated. 37 So, curriculum is a set of planning which included instructional strategies to reach the objectives of teaching learning process. School-based curriculum KTSP is still being implemented in Indonesia. KTSP is arranged to adapt education with characteristics and needs of school. 38 It means the school has authorized to develop their indicators based on characteristics and the needs of the school. However, the development of KTSP still refers to the goals and objectives of national education are reached.The objectives of KTSP: 39 Generally :memandirikanmemberdayakansatuanpendidikandanmemberikanotonomikepad alembagapendidikandanmendorongsekolahuntukmelakukanpengambilankeputusa nsecarapartisipatifdalampengembangankurikulum.Specifically :1 meningkatkanmutupendidikan inisiatifsekolahdalammengembangkankurikulum, 2 meningkatkankepedulianwargasekolahmasyarakatdalampengembangankurikulu mmelaluikeputusanbersama, 3 meningkatkankompetisi yang sehatantarsatuanpendidikan yang akandicapai. From the statement above, it can beseen that the objectives of KTSP is to develop the creativity of the schools and gather school society in developing of the curriculum based on the school characteristics and students’ needs. In secondary school, the main objectives are to gain students intelligences, knowledge, and personality, morality, to be creative and independent. 40 In addition, in the end of the program education in secondary high school, the students have to fulfill social needs, being ready to face modern era and being ready to continuing study for higher level. Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies are parts of KTSP; it’s adapted from Educational Government number 23 in 2006 as 37 Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 2. 38 Muhaimin, Sutiah and SugengListyoPrabowo, Pengembangan Model KTSP padaSekolah Madrasah, Jakarta: Raja GrafindoPersada, 2008, p. 333. 39 Mulyasa, KTSP SuatuPanduanPraktis, Bandung: Rosada, 2007, p. 22. 40 Ibid. StandarKompetensiKelulusan. It has been mentioned before; KTSP is a curriculum that allowed schools to develop their goals and objectives which are adjusted to the characteristics of schools and society needs. Thus, each school has different objectives in teaching reading, and it can be find in syllabus.

2. Syllabus

Generally, syllabus is about the content of the subjects or syllabus is a development of the curriculum, it is explanation from standard competencies and based competencies that students should reach. It also contain of the materials. 41 According to Hutchinson and Waters, a syllabus is a document which says what will or at least what should be learnt. 42 Furthermore Mulyasa said, syllabus is a plan in a group of subjects based on themes which is consist of based competencies, competencies standard, materials, indicators, scoring, times, and sources which is developed by the level of education. 43 So, syllabus is a development of curriculum, it is a set of planning in learning process. It consists all of aspect for one term of study. Syllabus provides a focus for what should be studied, along with a rationale for how that content should be selected and ordered. 44 There are seven types of syllabuses that covered by McKay. The types are: 45 a. Structural syllabus: the sequencing of structures is typically based on the idea of starting with easy structures and gradually progressing to more difficult ones based on grammatical forms. b. Situational syllabus: the organization in a situational syllabus will be based on common situations. 41 Mansur Muslich, KTSP DasarPemahamandanPengembangan, Jakarta: BumiAksara, 2009, p. 6. 42 Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters, English for Spesific Purpose: A Learning-Centered approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 80. 43 E Mulyasa., op. cit., p. 190. 44 James Dean Brown, The Elements of Language Curriculum, Boston: HeinleHeinle Publishers, 1995, p. 7. 45 Ibid .

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