School-Based Curriculum KTSP 1. How to Analyze Textbook

StandarKompetensiKelulusan. It has been mentioned before; KTSP is a curriculum that allowed schools to develop their goals and objectives which are adjusted to the characteristics of schools and society needs. Thus, each school has different objectives in teaching reading, and it can be find in syllabus.

2. Syllabus

Generally, syllabus is about the content of the subjects or syllabus is a development of the curriculum, it is explanation from standard competencies and based competencies that students should reach. It also contain of the materials. 41 According to Hutchinson and Waters, a syllabus is a document which says what will or at least what should be learnt. 42 Furthermore Mulyasa said, syllabus is a plan in a group of subjects based on themes which is consist of based competencies, competencies standard, materials, indicators, scoring, times, and sources which is developed by the level of education. 43 So, syllabus is a development of curriculum, it is a set of planning in learning process. It consists all of aspect for one term of study. Syllabus provides a focus for what should be studied, along with a rationale for how that content should be selected and ordered. 44 There are seven types of syllabuses that covered by McKay. The types are: 45 a. Structural syllabus: the sequencing of structures is typically based on the idea of starting with easy structures and gradually progressing to more difficult ones based on grammatical forms. b. Situational syllabus: the organization in a situational syllabus will be based on common situations. 41 Mansur Muslich, KTSP DasarPemahamandanPengembangan, Jakarta: BumiAksara, 2009, p. 6. 42 Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters, English for Spesific Purpose: A Learning-Centered approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 80. 43 E Mulyasa., op. cit., p. 190. 44 James Dean Brown, The Elements of Language Curriculum, Boston: HeinleHeinle Publishers, 1995, p. 7. 45 Ibid . c. Topical syllabus: it is similar to situational syllabus which is organized by topics or rather than situational syllabus which is organized by topics or rather than situations. The topics can be selected by the textbook. d. Functional syllabus: list of students need in hierarchy. e. Notional syllabus: it closest to functional syllabuses, the author organized around abstract conceptual categories then make it to subcategories. f. Skill-based syllabus: the author uses materials that the most useful for academic purposes. g. Task-based syllabus: syllabus based on categories what students’ need in performing language. In school-based Curriculum the development of syllabus will be different based on school needs. However, there are six components in the development of School-based curriculum: 46 a. Standarkompetensi. b. Kompetensidasar. c. Indikator. d. Materistandar. e. Standar proses kegiatanbelejarmengajar. f. Standarpenilaian. Based on some definitions are expressed by experts above, it can be concluded that syllabus is a part of curriculum. It consists of materials for teaching, the indicators in teaching and all of aspects for one term of study.

D. Criteria of Conformity

To gain the result percentage, the writer uses the formula as follows: 47 = 100 Notes: P = the Percentage N = the Frequency 46 Mulyasa.,op. cit., p. 183. 47 AnasSudjono, PengantarStatistikPendidikan, Jakarta: Rajagrafindo, 2010 p. 43. F = the Sum of Frequency To find the category of conformity level, it will be used the formula below: 48 The Percentage of Conformity Category 81 — 100 Very Good 61 — 80 Good 41 — 60 Fair 21 — 40 Poor 0 — 20 Very Poor

E. Previous Study

The writer takes two relevant studies from Mulyono and MayaKurniasari. Firstly, Mulyono was conducted a paper by the title “An Analysis of English Textbook Used in the First Year Students of SMP Islam YKS Depok Based On 2004 Curriculum.” The objective of his study was to find out whether or not the reading instructional materials found in the first year students’ English textbook of SMP Islam YKS Depok are in line with the 2004 curriculum. He used qualitative research. The focus of his research was The Bridge English Competence for SMP 1 textbookand sub focuses of his research were themes, indicators, reading materials, text types and reading activities found in The Bridge English Competence for SMP 1 textbook. He describes the result of the comparison of the reading materials in textbook with the 2004 English syllabus. The result of his study indicated that the themes and text types in the textbook reach 100, the indicators of reading in the textbook reach 80, the materials in the textbook reach 78, and the reading activities in the textbook reach 90. It can be concluded that the development of reading aspects used for the first year 48 SuharsimiArikunto, ManajemenPenelitian, Jakarta: RinekaCipta, 2005, cet 7. p. 44.

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