Having Fear for Being Displaced

Michael has to pay the debt. The fact is that Michael does not have anything that can be sold except his land to cover the debt. In the other side, he does not want to lose his patrimonial land. He is against this scheme by sending Luke to the city to get the money to pay the debt. It is because Michael wants Luke to posses the land. He wants the continuity of his family story still exist. The only way is Luke because Michael is too old to do a lot of things to get money quickly. “And thus resumed:—‘Well, Isabel this scheme These two days, has been meat and drink to me. Far more than we have lost is left us yet.” Stanza 12, lines 274-276. The scheme of sending Luke to the city is celebrated by Michael with meat and drink. It is like a farewell party. The condition of the family economic is very bad, but Michael still not saves the capital that he has well. He attaches to much hope for Luke. He makes a celebration before “the war”. In those lines, Michael also has considered that in the future he can lose everything. This celebration can be held because he considers that he may not see Luke again. This celebration is to celebrate Michael’s biggest lost, Luke. It also can be used by Michael to cover his sadness and his fear when loosing Luke. It is been the ‘Last Supper’ for Michael’s family. “We have enough—I wish indeed that I Were younger;—but this hope is a good hope If he could go, the Boy should go to-night.” Stanza 13, lines 277-282. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Michael has a little passion to pay the debt. If he can, he will get money soon. He realizes that he is too old but he thinks that Luke can do it well. He is forcing Luke too much to get the money soon. He does not think the process that is needed. This acts then makes Luke also wants to get the money soon by taking the evil way. He does not against his old age but he is against Luke’s young age. In Luke’s young age, Michael “makes” him as a “money machine” for the family. He does not think about his education for him. He creates him as a village shepherd but he wants him as soon as possible as a “money machine” in the city. “Thou must not go: We have no other Child but thee to lose, None to remember—do not go away, For if thou leave thy Father he will die.” Stanza 14, lines 295-298. Isabel realizes that Michael will be very sad if Luke is far from him. Michael also realizes this but he more cares with the land. He knows that his life will be miserable when Luke goes to the town to work which the rich relatives there. He has no way out except that. Sending Luke is the best thing because Michael is too old to save the land. Luke still goes away although his mother has told him that it will kill his father. This is the perfect ‘scheme’ to save the land but this is also the perfect ‘scheme’ that murders his father. He acts against this scheme by continue to send Luke and continue his life by holding on the memory of both of them. Michael’s way to cheat his sadness by keeping the memory actually can make him survive. In the end the memory is broken by the news of Luke’s evil act.