Richard Bateman The Contributions of the Other Characters in Developing the Main

Our Luke shall leave us, Isabel; the land Shall not go from us, and it shall be free, He shall possess it free as is the wind That passes over it. Stanza 11, lines 254-57. Michaels speech then gives way to tragic irony on the monstrous thing at the end. In that statement, he has the power to decide and the power to control his own family. These all are because the land is as his family ‘identity’ as an ordinary people to survive in the neighborhood or his community. He acts like that he is a king, Isabel is his queen, and Luke is their prince. He likes a king who sends his prince to war to save the patrimonial land. Michael wants the land still belongs to them. Those lines then becomes true at the end because Luke, driven at last”. Luke does leave, and the land does not go from Michael and Isabel and also does not belong to Luke. Michael and Isabel are buried in it. The land is free of their control He is seeking a hiding-place across the seas that is, driven to board a sailing vessel to the New World in order to remain free by evading his creditor .He does not posses the land anymore. He stands in a land as wind up free as is the wind.

2. Ready to Lay Down His Life to Secure His Sense of Personal Dignity

“Old Michael, while he was a babe in arms, Had done him female service, not alone For pastime and delight, as is the use Of fathers, but with patient mind enforced To acts of tenderness; and he had rocked His cradle, as with a woman’s gentle hand. Stanza 5, lines 153-158. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the beginning of Luke’s life, he is prepared by Michael to become his successor as a shepherd. He is the best shepherd, a man of ‘honorable occupation’ in his neighborhood. He loves his son so much and does everything for him, even doing a “female service” for him. He acts as a woman, if necessary, to take care Luke. He usually take cares animal. This can be the cause that the masculine side of Michael still has a soft side. Everything is done to create his hope in the future in Luke. “And left, the couple neither gay perhaps Nor cheerful, yet with objects and with hopes, Living a life of eager industry.” Stanza 4, lines 120-122. All the members of Michael’s family are so hard working that they have earned an almost proverbial reputation for their incessant work. They have earned a legendary reputation for living with utmost frugality and economy. Michael uses almost his life to do a hard work. Since he was a child, he take cares the animal and the land. He uses almost his whole life to become closer to the nature. When he is married, he still works hard and does not use his time to take a rest and enjoys his life. He still works and works from the morning until the night. He does not use his time to seek luck in the city but every time he deals with the nature. Then this becomes ironic because although he and his family work hard but they do not have a lot of money. They do not have enough saving to pay the debt. They do not have enough goods to sell except the land. “Some injury done to sickle, flail, or scythe, Or other implement of house or field.” Stanza 4, lines 108-109. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI