The Consequence of His Total Compulsion to Evaluate Himself Justly

The soul is killed by Luke’s act. His body can breath but he has empty soul. He has no hope and he has no more goals in his life. “There, by the Sheepfold, sometimes was he seen Sitting alone, or with his faithful Dog, Then old, beside him, lying at his feet. The length of full seven years, from time to time, He at the building of this Sheepfold wrought, And left the work unfinished when he died. Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband: at her death the estate Was sold, and went into a stranger’s hand’’ Stanza 21, lines 467-475. Loneliness comes and attacks him until his death. No one or nothing can secure his dying heart. The unfinished sheepfold remains the tragedy of Michael. It reflects a great hope which is never perfectly finished. It becomes a symbol of the ruin of a heroic life. Michael dies with his tragic heroic life and then Isabel dies in a short time after him. The land, which is defended by his life, then goes to stranger hand. The story of Michael’s patrimonial land is end in his failure.

4. Having Fear for Being Displaced

Michael starts to feel afraid about his family future when he realizes that it happened in a lot of cases. He proves that he is a good man, a good father, but it makes him afraid with his family future. Because of the debt, he has a plan to sell a portion of his patrimonial land but the land has a sentimental value for him. He is afraid that if the land is passed into the hands of some stranger, he will be restless even in his grave. “The Shepherd’s sole resource to sell at once A portion of his patrimonial fields. Such was his first resolve; he thought again, And his heart failed him. ‘Isabel,’ said he, Two evenings after he had heard the news, ‘I have been toiling more than seventy years, And in the open sunshine of God’s love Have we all lived; yet if these fields of ours Should pass into a stranger’s hand, I think That I could not lie quiet in my grave.” Stanza 10, lines 228-232. Michael is very famous in his neighborhood as a successful shepherd. If the land goes away from him, it will be very ironic. The land also reflects his dignity and his honor in the society. The land is also very important for the continuous generation of Michael‘s family from the past until to the future. Losing the land means to lose the generation’s symbol. The generations will loss “the monument” of the family. To keep the patrimonial land becomes his responsibility to his ancestors. If he losses to take care, he also losses his proud and his dignity to his ancestor. He is afraid but he is also too old to do something incredible to safe the land. Then he sends Luke to do the work to safe the land and his dignity.

5. Acting Against the Scheme of Things Degrading Him

“His days had not been passed in singleness. His Helpmate was a comely matron, old— Though younger than himself full twenty years.” Stanza 3, lines 78-80. Although Michael is very old, he has the courage to get married in his condition. A man of his age may be better to prepare everything before death. He acts PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI against the scheme which is bringing him to death by marriages. His marriage with Isabel makes him “reborn”. Although he is very old, he gets the new life. He then gets “the new reason” to still alive. He gets a new hope o beautiful thing in rest of his life. He is also doing unusual thing by marries a very younger wife which is likely better to be his daughter. This is also can be something that is planned by Michael to continuous the history of his family by giving him a son. “An only Child, who had been born to them When Michael, telling o’er his years, began To deem that he was old,—in shepherd’s phrase, With one foot in the grave.” Stanza 3, lines 87-90. Although he is very old, but Michael has a brave heart to born a son. In his old age he can die every time in an uncertain time and condition. If he dies quickly, the future of his family can be uncertain. Michael acts again this scheme by the born of Luke. With Luke he can attach his dream and continue the future of the family. The existence of his family in the world still can be continued in Luke. It is also something that is risky because he was too old when bears Luke. The future of Luke also can be lack of his father accompaniment. “Our Luke shall leave us, Isabel; the land Shall not go from us, and it shall be free; He shall possess it, free as is the wind That passes over it” Stanza 11, lines 244-247. Michael has to pay the debt. The fact is that Michael does not have anything that can be sold except his land to cover the debt. In the other side, he does not want to lose his patrimonial land. He is against this scheme by sending Luke to the city to get the money to pay the debt. It is because Michael wants Luke to posses the land. He wants the continuity of his family story still exist. The only way is Luke because Michael is too old to do a lot of things to get money quickly. “And thus resumed:—‘Well, Isabel this scheme These two days, has been meat and drink to me. Far more than we have lost is left us yet.” Stanza 12, lines 274-276. The scheme of sending Luke to the city is celebrated by Michael with meat and drink. It is like a farewell party. The condition of the family economic is very bad, but Michael still not saves the capital that he has well. He attaches to much hope for Luke. He makes a celebration before “the war”. In those lines, Michael also has considered that in the future he can lose everything. This celebration can be held because he considers that he may not see Luke again. This celebration is to celebrate Michael’s biggest lost, Luke. It also can be used by Michael to cover his sadness and his fear when loosing Luke. It is been the ‘Last Supper’ for Michael’s family. “We have enough—I wish indeed that I Were younger;—but this hope is a good hope If he could go, the Boy should go to-night.” Stanza 13, lines 277-282. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI