Method of the Study

Inside those lines, there are more specific descriptions of Michael. Many of his characteristics reflect the economical power. It is shown by his ability and instinct as a skillful shepherd which can make him prosperous. He is better than the other shepherd and this gives him more ‘natural capital’ to be rich as a shepherd. “his mind was keen, Intense, and frugal, apt for all affairs, And in his Shepherds calling he was prompt And watchful more than ordinary men.” Stanza 2, lines 44-47. Michaels stout heart may signify one of his minds, which is clearly that of a successful businessperson: apt for all affairs. He has the capacity to solve many problems and he has the creativity and ideas to control many shepherds’ ‘affairs’. His mind is able to read its ancestral lands like a text but Michael is neither a nature poet, nor a natural theologian, nor a naturalist. He is very close to the nature. Nature is his friend, teacher, master, father, and his worker. The nature is his pleasure and absolutely his life. “grossly that man errs, who should suppose That the green Valleys, and the Streams and Rocks, Were things indifferent to the Shepherds thoughts” Stanza 2, lines 62-65. The natural setting provides both a necessary backdrop for Michael to perform his acts of heroism and a mnemonic album in which to preserve the memory of these acts, all of which have to do with the dumb animals, which he had saved. He also PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI shows his continuity responsibility to the animal that he saves. He take cares them, seeks them when they are lost, and saves them when they are in trouble. He acts not only as a master or an ordinary shepherd, but also as a hero for the animal. “So many incidents upon his mind Of hardship, skill of courage, joy or fear; Which, like a book, preserved the memory the dumb animals, whom he had savd, Had fed or shelterd, linking to such acts, So grateful in themselves, the certainty Of honorable gains.” Stanza 2, lines 68-73. He has a wife that is 20 years younger than him. Her name is Isabel. Although he is eighties, Isabel is his first and only wife. It is like a ‘late marriage’ for a man. It is a proof that love is unlimited. From the marriage, he has a son that he loved much, more than anything else. His name is Luke. “His helpmate was commonly matron… of house or field.” Stanza 3, lines 79-109. Michael is very old that he is near to the death. He is too old for a shepherd or to stay as a shepherd. He is also described as “an old lamp” which shines his family. Maybe he is old but he is still a shepherd and still “a light”. Although he is old, he becomes the symbol of the shepherd there. He also becomes the teacher and the “light” for the shepherd. He is considered as ‘The Evening Star’. The ‘Evening Star’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI can also be derived from his habit. He usually works till the evening where the old lamp which accompanies the family can be seen from far. “To deem that he was old,-in shepherd’s phrase, With one foot in the grave.” Stanza 2, lines 89-90. “There by the light of this old lamp they sate,” Stanza 3, line 124. Michael also has an old style. His life is with ancient style of a shepherd which is not colorful and monotonous. It happened before the coming of his wife and his son. His life concerns with the nature not with the style of the common people. He cannot be noticed with what happened in the actual culture events, but he cares with the actual nature events in his environment so much. “Down from the ceiling, by the chimney’s edge, That in our ancient uncouth country style With huge and black projection overbrowed Large space beneath, as duly as the light” Stanza 3, lines 110-113. Michael is a hard worker. He does anything for his family. He always tries to do the best he can do. This is also as the habit of his family. Michael usually works from morning till late in the evening. When at home in the night, he still does something useful and he helps his wife. “Living a life of an eager industry…” Stanza 3, line 122. His wife and his son make him always in a high spirit of life. He loves his wife much but his love for Luke is bigger. The presence of Luke is something new PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI