Approach of the Study

Another tradition is related to taboo. Olinka people really believe in taboo. Taboo is a prohibition to do something against belief in the society which is thought to be sacred. Taboo has its consequences. It means a taboo is such an indirect rule to regulate the tribal people‟s life. They do not do a taboo so that there is nothing bad happens as the consequences of doing it. Then, it is useful to relate to the interaction in society. The existence of a taboo is influenced by the quantity of people who supporting or not supporting the taboo. When many people believe a taboo, the existence of it grows stronger. People can think over it to consider the weakness and the strength. Hence, a taboo can exist and disappear through time. There are some taboos in the village, the greatest taboo i s “making love in the fields” Walker, 2011: 16. It is believed that “love making in the fields jeopardized the crops ” Walker, 2011: 16. Moreover, “it was declared that it there was any fornication whatsoever in the fields the crops definitely would not grow ” Walker, 2011: 16.Fornication is seen as something wicked. Thus, it pollutes the land so that the nature does not get enough nutrition. Since the crops are useful to the human‟s life, the native people do not want their source of food become a place of immoral action. The Olinkans really believe that their live is controlled by the nature, because they believe gods which is related to the nature. Another taboo is cunnilingus or oral sex in Olinka. Since women in Olinka tribe do not have clitoris, they cannot feel the pleasure through it.Even they make cunnilingus as a taboo. It can be seen from Adam‟s perspective, “my tongue bringing us no babies, and to both of us delight ” Walker, 2011: 17. The other PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI taboo, “when I was little I used to stroke myself, which was a taboo,” it means Tashi ever experiences masturbation which is a taboo in Olinka society. Walker,